I have been searching the net for info on which foods are alkaline & which are acidic. I have heard these foods are acidic on one site & alkaline on another: eggs, popcorn, strawberries, milk.
That is just looking over the lists quickly. Who know how much they disagree. How can I get good info & know it is good info?
Part of this confusion comes from the fact that most foods contain both properties. For example most of these are rich is proteins and sugars, which break down in to acids, and minerals that are considered alkalinizing.
Certain foods are going to break down forming acids primarily. Meats for example, regardless of how the source was raised is going to form acids. This is because protein breaks down forming uric acid. There is also uric and lactic acids already trapped in the cells to begin with as the animal is killed.
Another part of the confusion is the presence of acids already in the foods. Strawberries for example contain tannic acid. And they contain sugars that will be metabolized in to carbonic acid.
So we can actually say that all foods are acidic since they all contain proteins and/or sugars that lead to acid formation.
But acids are not inherently bad. We need a large number of acids just to exist and survive. Some beneficial acids include amino and fatty acids, carbonic acid, acetic acid, lactic acid, uric acid, tannic acid, citric acid, malic acid, hyaluronic acid, glucoronic acid, pyruvic acid, etc.
And again many of these foods also contain minerals that balance the acidic components. And since we rarely eat one item all the time we are getting both acid and alkaline components.
In addition diet is not the only factor in pH balance. Breathing is the body's primary method of balancing the pH. The body also uses other means to maintain pH including urinary secretion of hydrogen, bicarbonate buffers and as a very last resort minerals from the bone. This is why we RARELY see actual cases of acidosis. There has been so much hype over pH balance though and generally from people who really don't have a clue about how pH is maintained in the body and more often by sales sites wanting to sell you their product. A great example are all the alkaline water sites, which are often selling machines that generate very dangerous hydroxide (OH) water or that have carbonates in their bottled waters that cause issues for the body as well.
If people really want to help their body maintain its pH they can save their money and simply learn to deep breathe, which alkalinizes the body.
do not get confused... the better the protein source, the more mineral rich it is... AND, the less acid forming it is.
This is not true. Protein quality has nothing to do with minerals. Protein quality has to do with its amino acid profile. A protein source can be mineral rich, but still lacking essential amino acids.
Grain fed meats have an altered and loose (read WEAK) protein structure which makes it *tender* and juicy (read weight gain) -
I don't know where you are getting this information but it is not even close to being true. Why do you think grain fed beef if pounded to tenderize it or enzyme tenderizers are used? It is even aged by hanging in warm lockers with ozone blown in to destroy the bacteria as the enzymes tenderize the meat. By the same token why are veal calves prevented from moving around? They are prevented from moving around because the more exercise an animal gets the tougher its meat becomes. The only role minerals play here is the contraction of muscle fibers by calcium after the animal dies. This is known as rigor mortis. Over days though the enzymes in the tissue gradually break down the muscle fibers preventing their contraction.
BTW the fats are not as good quality in these meats either... wild game and pastured animals on the other hand are more alkaline mineral rich, and generally tougher - stronger protein structure; and so it is with humans too... in order to deal with this, for those that cook their meat, most people, such as myself, will leave the meat out during the day in order to let it come up to room temperature in order to *relax* the proteins and begin the protein breakdown, making it more tender, and much easier to digest as well.
Again leaving the meat out like this is not really relaxing the muscle fibers but rather digesting them enzymatically. The warmth allows the enzymes to do their job, which again is why meat is aged in warm lockers.
Limewater has been used for thousands of years in food preparation.
Yes, and as I pointed out to you in the past the limewater is removed from the food or neutralized before the food is consumed. Why? Because limewater is caustic and will burn the tissues.
By the way sulfur dioxide is also used in the preparation of foods and other things. Does this mean that it is safe to ingest? How about sodium chlorite or hydrochloric acid also used in food preparation. Would you be willing to ingest these just because they are used in food preparation?