I bought some more milk thistle recently. It is 80% Silymarin extract. I'm sure the one i had before was not as strong, although i may be wrong.
It says on packet to take 100-500mg twice a day, or as directed by a health practitioner.
If i fill 00 capsule, will that be 500mg? At the momemnt with this new packet I've been taking 1/2 teaspoon once a day.
A double '00' holds about 750mg. A single '0' holds around 500mg.
I have been taking milk thistle on and off when i remember, and probably not taking full dosage.
I want to start taking it properly, i think you have told me before, to take for 2/3 months.
I want to regenerate my liver. I don't know for sure how much damage or if any damage, but used to drink heavily.
I think you said to follow with Turmeric. I have large bag of it, could you remind me of minimum to take to be beneficial? I want to put in 00 caps, as i find i never get around to using it otherwise. I added some to a curry once, made from jar of curry sauce, and it ruined it, tasted awful, which was strange, as don't most curries have that in anyway.
I would stick to small doses again such as two 500-750mg capsules 3 times daily. More is not going to hurt, but since curcumin, the active component is so poorly absorbed taking large doses will just pretty much be wasted. So no reason to cap up more than your body can really absorb.
I'm still not sure how much to take of Silymarin 80%
Is what is on the packet 100 -500mg twice a day adequate? to regenerate and also is 2/3 months long enough, as i'm sure i've seen articles where people take for year or so.
What if i did 2/3 months a year? for couple of years.
I put this in another post but will repeat. Where silymarin is concerned, If i use the larger end of caps only will this equate to 500mg. I have a great big bag of 00 caps and don't want to buy 0 ones when i have so many.
I recommend a double '00' capsule 3 times daily for 3 to 4 months. After that you can go to once a day for a maintenance. The length of time for regeneration will vary depending on various factors such as what kind of damage and the extent. But the liver is pretty good about regenerating itself. The milk thistle merely speeds up the process.
So alot more than it says on packet.
When you say Double '00' do you mean two of these? Or are you just writing it and putting number as well.
So is it one x 00 cap three times a day,(just over 2 1/2G )or 2 x 00 three times a day.(4 1/2G)Daily.
Could you clarify please?
Correct "double '00'" = a single '00' capsule.
Also Ashwagandha, 3-10g it says on my packet. What does a 00 cap hold or Ashwagandha, and also Rhodiola?
I don't know. I have never tried capping either of these individually. Roots tend to be fairly dense though so I would guess around 600-700mg per capsule.
Decided to cap them separately.
Trying to gather all the info, before mammoth capping session.
Taking that much Ashwagandha with Seredyn is okay isn't it?
I only take one generally. That has valarian, passionflower,l-theanine magnesuim taurate, niacinamide etc.
It says may potentiate sedatives, and Ashwagandha acts as a sedative doesn't it. Shall i just see how it affects me?
If and when Ashwagandha kicks in, i may stop the Seredyn altogether.
I would give it a try and see how it goes when you don't have to get up early. They are different ways to induce sedation so all sedatives are not the same. Ashwagandha itself works by stimulating the GABA receptors in the brain.