Your very welcome on the reply! I've spent the past 5 months researching candida ever since I've realized that I have an over-growth.
It's still tough to figure out everything since as I mentioned there is lots of different schools of thought on this mutha-ferr!
Yeah I'm actually a 30 year old male as well, and I feel like Candida is a huge issue for so many people out there who don't even realize they have it.
I use Nutritiondata and Fitday to track my calories, but that's mainly because I'm a fitness nut as well. When I first started the diet I was only taking in around 1,400 calories a day and was struggling with fatigue, which I probably mistook for die off. I'm not up to a little more than 2,000 and although I still get some die off symptoms from time to time, I'm generally feeling much better.
For me I'd say I started to feel pretty good after about 7-8 weeks on the diet. My diet is very very strict compared to most candida diets I've seen on the net as I was mentioning and it was definitely a struggle at first with cravings, withdrawals and mood swings, but I've adjusted to it pretty well.
I'm still learning about everything and my next step is to start detoxing (colon, kidney, liver cleansing) which I feel should help me feel even better.
My condition was definitely the result of severe chronic work related stress. It was so bad that I had to quit my job, since I could literally feel the stress taking over my body, along with the sudden
food sensitivities I developed at the same time.
You should really use Coconut Oil, it will help you:
a) get more calories
b) its a great anti-fungal/anti-bacterial
c) is the best cooking oil for high heat items
d) help you not feel fatigue
Slowly work your way up to 6 tbsps of Coconut Oil a day. I take them after each meal. I want to stress to start off slow and build your way up, Coconut Oil will cause die off reactions; I had joint pain, fatigue, head-aches etc.
Olive-Oil is a good choice too, but I think Coconut Oil is better. Just make sure that any oil you get is Organic and Extra Virgin, its crucial that they are both, usually if its organic the oil should be extra virgin. The reason this is important is because otherwise your buying a highly processed form which loses its beneficial properties.
I think everything else looks really good, I'd refrain from adding in other anti-fungals at this point since they can be really strong and cause bad die off symptoms. Anti-fungals are great and help to kill yeast, but the whole point is to build your immune system back up. That's why its ultimately important to cleanse, follow a strict diet and give it time.
Good luck,