Thanks Abracadabra and fardream,
I was wondering if anyone was reading or going to respond, I gave up checking after a while!
Just to update you, I have used the HMD for almost 2 months now (finished 2 bottles) and I have to say it has been pretty easygoing. Its not been too difficult to keep the routine going, I used it every 8 hours on average and took flasks of the mixture for when I was on the move so I have been consistent.
As for results, I dont have any form of testing which I know is not ideal, I just go with the idea that I will be better off by the end of the process than I was before (Hopefully!), so I cant say what my mercury "levels" are, but an interesting thing happened to me the other day.. I had my routine eye test and my eyesight has improved! The optician was surprised as usually peoples sight deteriorates with age, whereas mine has moved in the opposite direction and improved! I remember reading about peoples sight improving from chelation so I guess its down to the HMD and
Amalgam removal? its not one of the results i was expecting but its definitely a bonus!!! and it gave me some reassurance that something positive is happening to me with chelation!
I also have less phlegm on my chest, particularly in the mornings. This is my main symptom really, excessive post nasal drip, probably due to allergies and candida as well as the mercury connection all intertwined! I am still not well but i have definitely noticed a fairly big reduction in symptoms, but N-Acetyl Cysteine is a mucolytic so that reduces phlegm too!
I have used Milk Thistle, additional chlorella with every dose of HMD, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Selenium, Garlic capsules and Multivitamins and minerals especially Vitamin C probably 2000mg a day!
The symptoms have been very very mild and pretty much non existent as time has gone by! I tended to feel some mild head symptoms as i was getting close to my next dose, almost like my body was telling me it needed to keep the chelation moving, and then after the next dose i felt better again. But its never been difficult or painful or severe, and the gradual increasing the dose route definitely worked for me!
Cilantro and Chlorella work in 2 different ways, and the testing that was carried out by Dr Georgiou showed them to be ineffective used seperately (cilantro mobilises, chlorella binds and removes) but effective when combined. I would say if you used a seperate dose of cilantro and chlorella you should use them together at the same time and keep the cilantro dose low and the chlorella high in comparison, cilantro is powerful and the doses of HMD were only very small really but still packed a punch considering!
Chlorella should not cause symptoms on its own as it doesnt search and mobilise mercury like cilantro does. Some people struggle to digest chlorella so they should use a digestive enzyme with it to help digest it (Cellulase). I have had no negative reactions to chlorella.
As for the Andy Cutler protocol, it sounds like it is probably the best protocol out there if i am honest, even if only for the chelation from the brain by ALA. It does sound intense though! every 3 hours... its like having a baby again and waking up to feed it every 3 hours, although i guess you only need to pop a pill and then go to sleep again so easy enough? I will probably give it a try myself soon, and low doses of ALA are definitely the way forward, I used 100mg doses 3 times a day for one day and it knocked me sideways, wont be trying that again in a hurry! The HMD is believed to chelate from the brain, and judging by some of the side effects i would believe that because they were mainly in my head area.
I would recommend HMD to everyone based on my experience, it has not impacted my life in any negative way and not been an inconvenience or a chore like the Cutler protocol appears to be. I have seen positive changes and i feel reassured that my mercury levels are both reduced and the source of mercury has been removed. People I speak to are so unaware of the dangers, we have been deceived so well by the dental associations, but i guess most of us wont consider it unless we get ill and search for answers like I have and many others.
My path has been Mercury removal first, Candida eradication second, it is my understanding that mercury feeds and/or causes candida overgrowth (as a bodily defence mechanism?) so reducing mercury seems the logical first step. I will be moving onto my candida protocol soon enough, just need a bit more time to psych myself up for the diet!!!
Good luck on your chelation journey whichever protocol you choose!