Psoriasis needs to be addressed internally, not externally. It results from a chemical imbalance WITHIN the body, and can manifest as more than just a skin condition. It can also manifest as arthritis, which is joint inflammation.
Oxidizers like MMS are not going to cure psoriasis. You need to balance out his cAMP and cGMP levels. Here is a more detailed explanation:
However, your comment on oxidation leaves me a little confused. Are you indicating that leukotriene can not be oxidized, or that oxidizing leukotriene is not beneficial in dealing with a flare up of psoriasis?
You missed a very important part of my statement:
"Oxidizers like MMS are not going to cure psoriasis."
The goal of alternative therapies should be cures by getting to the base cause, not by covering up symptoms. And as I also pointed out not all psoriasis is external. Again psoriasis needs to be addressed internally, not externally.
By the way the coleus forskohlii I mentioned in my link inhibits leukotrienes as well. And it helps to support proper thyroid function, which lowers inflammatory homocysteine levels as well. Elevated homocysteine, a primary cause of heart disease, has been found in individuals with severe psoriasis. Again there is more involved in psoriasis than just skin cell proliferation. Therefore topical oxidizers are not a cure for psoriasis, nor do they address the internal aspects of psoriasis.
If I were going to go with an oxidizer to address psoriasis I would go with ozone long before any other oxidizer. Ozone is a stronger oxidizer than chlorine and does not react with organics to form carcinogens like chlorine does. And it readily absorbs through the tissues entering the bloodstream, where it can address issues elsewhere in the body as well through mechanisms such as raising anti-inflammatory and antioxidant superoxide dismutase and by raising adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels. In fact they have been using ozone internally to treat psoriasis in Cuba:
I guess you need to pick your poison...
With ozone you have to scrub up reactive oxygen species, with chlorine dioxide you have to scrub up chlorite ions.
I agree with you that chlorine is not a good oxidizer to use on the skin, however, chlorine dioxide is different from chlorine, it is readily absorbed through the skin and into the blood stream and organs, and it is somewhat selective in what it oxidizes. It does not react with organics to form carcinogens, but it does form chlorite ions.
Chlorine dioxide dissolved in water is a strong free radical. And byproducts of oxidation by chlorine dioxide are not only the chlorite but also chlorate, neither of which I would call safe. Chlorite and chlorate are also formed by the reaction of chlorine dioxide on hydroxyl ions in water:
2ClO2+2OH- ---> ClO2- +H2O
And chlorine dioxide can react with a variety of substances. For example with lignans in fibers to form chlorous acid. If it was not reactive then it would have no effect on pathogens or toxins.
But I really do not want to get in to a long drawn out debate over this. I simply stated that I prefer ozone as an oxidizer. I also like potassium permaganate as an oxidizer. I can tell you from personal experience that it will take out a cold really fast. But this is not near as safe to use as ozone, so ozone is still my first choice.
I don't believe it has been established that chlorite ions are carcinogenic.
This is hard to determine. Rodent studies say possibly, but we are not rodents. And it is unethical to do human studies so this has not really been determined. And there is the question of the safety of the reactive products as opposed to the chlorite and and chlorate themselves. Ozone on the other hand has been studied extensively as a form of medicine for humans since 1892. So I personally feel a lot more comfortable with the ozone since it and its byproducts have been studied more extensively.
On the other hand, ozone oxidizes everything it comes into contact with forming ROS which are an extremely powerful free radical.
This is not quite true. Oxidation of many substances merely form carbon dioxide, oxygen and water. The ozone will form small amounts of beneficial peroxides as well though reaction with water and lipids. This serves several purposes. One is the destruction of cancer cells and pathogens from the conversion of the cancer cell and pathogen lipids into the peroxide. The peroxides formed also activate the white blood cells thereby boosting immunity.
Both the chlorine dioxide and the ozone themselves are powerful free radicals. There is one other big difference though. Ozone used at therapeutic levels is self protective to the body. In other words the ozone stimulates the production of the antioxidant enzymes catalase, glutathione peroxidase, selenium methionine peroxidase and superoxide dismutase. so even though the ozone is a free radical it stimulates the body's own protective mechanisms, which cancer cells and pathogens do not benefit from.
My experience with psoriasis is very limited. We have looked at 16 people with diabetes that had ulcers and psoriasis and other co-infections. In each case the psoriasis was not chronic, but a flare up. In each case the chlorous acid solution was effective in knocking out the co-infections, aided in ulcer healing, and eliminated the psoriasis flare up.
I am not the one providing care for these people, so I don't know about long term efficacy, however I will be passing your information on to these people.
If they contacted you privately, would you be able to offer more details and specifics on this?
I pretty much covered everything in that write up. I think the only thing I really left out was limiting or eliminating animal products to reduce arachidonic acid levels. The primary focus is to raise cAMP levels to balance out the cAMP to cGMP levels.
All you need do is look over all the post and it will jump out at you that the above poster is trying to discredit using MMS period. Hmmm... Sure smells like a Big P~farm smear campaigners to me..
Just because someone points out a danger or ineffectiveness of a substance this does not mean they have anything to do with the pharmaceutical industry. I mean it does not take a genius to realize that I believe in the safety and benefits of ozone therapy, which is an alternative medicine that the drug companies are against. Same for the herbs I also prefer.
But paranoia about spies from the pharmaceutical companies being here on CZ seems to be rampant among a few groups.