Be careful of Claritan D and Robitusssin and any OTC congestion medication sinus treatment as they can raise your blood pressure significantly. It's something that doctors rarely tell you and I discovered it when I got a home BP monitor and when I mentioned it to a doc his reaction was "..Oh yes" but I've never been warned.
If your bronchitis is bug related I've found that Echinacea helps a lot. I take 5 - 6 125 mg capsules 2 to 3 times a day and have had that diminish my fever (when I've had one) and wrap up a cold quicker than normal. Raw garlic has been my herb of choice for prevention, but if I forget it, once I have a cold/bronchitis coming on, it doesn't do a lot.
Even though you have bronchitis you might try a Neti Pot. I've had bronchitis all my life and it's one thing that has finally been able to clear out my sinuses and my doctor (the MD who recommended it to me) says that it flushes out viruses that take meds days to get to. I add a drop or two of tea tree oil but you have to go slow on that because if you get too much it can be irritating. Even though the Neti Pot cleans out the sinus, it seems to help me with chest congestion as well. There are a number of varieties of pots and here's instructions for one of them: