Hi Girl :)
I remember u actually :)) x
U know, I did my 10 dayers and yes my stomach srank but only for the time being. During re-feeding it got back to normal again.
Yeah, body does detox during fasting and u do feel good but if before ur fasting program u had a tendency not to control ur eating habits then I do not think it will work out. I think
Water Fasting is overvalued. The main thing is not to fast regularly to detox but rather not to fast a number of days but rather eat healthy.
Girl, the fasting is not the way out for u. It will not fix ur weight problems as a strike of magic but rather make u feel miserable after numerous of tries. I have been there and I know what I am talking about. Yes I was successful two times with 10 dayers and so what?? Did it help me to fix my weight problems or reset my apetite? - nope. It did not. Now I do not fast - do not want any more. I eat a lot of raw fruits and vegies, brown rice, baked potatoes, nuts. Gave up meat, fish (was cheating on it couple of times since the beginning of this year), try to give up eggs and do not remember when I drank milk last time. I still eat in the evenings but try to feel myself up with fruits when I feel hunger. Though I need to shift my eating times to a bit earlier. Do some excersises at home (planning to start running - do it anyway when I am late somewhere ;))... It is just BETTER way for me - I was SO TIRED of numerous trials to fast and get NO WHERE!
Just have a look at this link please:
Alanis Morissette's Weight Loss Success with "Eat To Live" by Dr. Fuhrman
Also look for the book called CHINA STUDY by Dr. T. Colin Campbell (go to youtube and see what it is about or read reviews in the net)
If u want to talk and ask questions then u can find me either on skype or yahoo messenger. On skype I am more often nowadays :) My id is green_eyed_nadia.