>>Anyone care to share? When I read things like worms crawling out of someone's nose or ear, it really freaks me out and makes me wonder how did it get so bad.
>> The possibility of this happening always makes me not want to do a cleanse.
I wouldn't be afraid, that's extremely rare and they must have known or been extremely sick already.
Most parasites you can't even see. Some, you won't even notice unless you look really hard and/or have a coliander.
I wouldn't let the 1 in a million stories deter you, you're doing yourself a big disservice. I know lots of people who didn't do parasite cleanses and liver flushes for several months because of fear and after finally doing them they always say "What was I worried about? I wish I did this a long time ago.". Fear... man, there is nothing to be afraid about.
I think the 90% statistic is overblown. I'd say 90% of those people who have chronic illness, but not 90% of the general population.
Second question, in my experience, parasite come from three places:
1) Heavy metal and Chemical toxicity: Allows parasites to invade places they can't normally go, and reduce the immune system to a point where it's possible.
2) Diseased Organ: If an organ is diseased, parasites can act like vultures on a dead corpse, eating the dead material. Some healers believe that you "can't blame the vultures for the corpse, blame whatever caused the corpse", and they are right to a certain extent, however I find that the corpse can't get up and walk around as easily if something is always picking away at it.
3) Exposure to Foreign Environment: For example, maybe people have caribbean parasites that are non fatal but still ebb your energy. You get them from eating foreign food, water, and washing/bathing.
For the people that have it really bad, I'm sure they have an interesting story, but I'm also pretty sure it will also be unique.
>>I ate some bacon that was undercooked...
That won't cause it, I'm currently parasite free and I eat raw meat everyday. A total myth.
>>even ate a little potting soil dirt (I know, I know)
Bah, another myth.
>>Now, for the most part,I lead a pretty clean lifestyle...I only eat too much candy/cookies/donuts and drink too much soda (I know this is fuel for the bugs).
That's a shitty lifestyle, sorry. Those are some of the chemicals that allow parasites to get a foot hold, especially the stupid soft drinks. There is MSG is a surprising number of processed foods. There is soy (filler), trans fat, and vegatable oil in many processed foods as well, so much so you're better off without.
>>I eat meats...and make sure they are well done but I suppose that's no guarantee.
Don't stress about it, raw foods are not the enemy, they are your friend and the key to good health.
>>I only drink wine on special occasions (which are like two-three times a year).
Don't stress about it, unless you're drinking every day. I personally don't drink since I've had problems Candida, but for others I think occasional is fine.
>>I don't walk around barefoot...
Walking around barefoot is actually healthy.
>>I'm constantly wiping things down when needed, keeping my handy sanitizer so as not to get germs when eating out, etc.
Being a clean freak and putting chemicals on your hands and body is NOT healthy. When I speak of chemicals, cleaning and personal chemicals hurt you quite a bit over time and allow parasites into your body and organs they shouldn't be in.
>>I try to avoid tap water but still brush my teeth with it and sometimes wash my fruit with it.
Don't stress about it. Small amounts of chlorine and fluroride won't kill you, you're not drinking it.
>>I have feelings/root canal/crown and now I find out that this causes parasites and of course mercury poisoning.
Sure, these can cause all kinds of problems and their replacement/removal has to be handled VERY carefully or it could make you worse off.
>>The thing is, how do you know when/if you can lay off the parasite killing?
Humaworm disagrees, but until you remove all heavy metal and chemical poisoning (which takes years) I think you should do 1 dose per week as maintenance, or they come back. At least they did with me.
I also think that you should do more than 1 parasite cleanse, from annother company, because not all products kill all parasites. And/or get tested by professionals that can detect parasites.
>>I see people doing cleanses back to back on this site....some for years. Is it that bad?
I won't judge here, they probably know they have something and are trying to find something that works for them. Personally, if I knew I had a particular problem, I'd start getting professionals to work with me on it, until it was fixed. When I say professionals, I'm not talking about doctors necessarily btw.
Also, back to back cleanses with different products is a good idea, not all products kill everything. For example, 2 months of humaworm followed by 1 month of something else. And perhaps zapping the entire time.
Some people do more than one cleanse because they did their first cleanse and then stopped for several months and the parasites came back. Which was the case with me.
>>What if you never get rid of them?
You go to something else, but how do you know you have them in the first place? Quantum and muscle/reflex testing can give you indications, as well as other tests (complete digestive stool panel test I think). If you feel fine and have done a number of cleanses, don't worry about it and do maintenance once a week and a big one maybe once every 6 months.
I guess my overall message is not to worry too much about it, you'll drive yourself crazy. If you want to make major improvements, improve your diet and lifestyle (ie. exercise and use far infrared saunas whenever possible).