Yes I agree it is interesting because it is working.
Fermented garlic has no unpleasant odour from the mouth after eating.
How to ferment vegetable?
Perhaps you should look in some fermenting guides.
Theres one interesting site and forum called I belive...
But any book on fermentation is ok.
But let me describe my way:
1. I put in some special container that has cover with which
presses the contents so that stays pressed, the mix of
2. This vegetable for fermenting has minced garlic and parsley
included. Sometimes I include cilantro ( coriander ).
But garlic is very important.
I mix those herbs with garlic in bowl with pieces of
cut vegetable ( broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts,
carrot, black beetroot ). Those pieces are thin
( so that fermentation is accomplished in the middle
of pieces...In case of caluflower or broccoli where
meat is softer you may cut or grate thicker pieces.
3. I put vegetable in the container in levels.
3.1 on bottom fistfull of minced garlic and parsley
3.2 than one level of vegetable pieces
3.3 than salt water or salt ) Himalayan or Celtic ...or
Sea Salt
3.4 than thin layer of vegetable and then few spoon
of dilluted conetrate of EM microorganism that
are cleansed for oral use. I produce EM microrganism
at home ( with yoghurt starter ...35oC and ... ) from
EM concetrate that is suitable for oral use.
I buy this EM concetrate.
Where to buy EM microrganisms or LActobacillus:
Try to find on internet for your area or your
country. I am buying from one farmer he is producing
concetrate. I clean and then activating EM .
3.5 I repeat 3,1 to 3,4 several times
( as many times I can according to heght of the
fermenting container ).
If did not use salt water ( water should be clean the best
is to be cooked or sterilized or distilled with heat and
then cooled )I add water to some half of height of the full
container. Beccause you must count on liquid that will be
excreted from vegetables. After first day whole vegetable should be under the salt liquid.
After a week this content should start fermenting and
getting lactic acid tasted liquid. Depends on sort of vegetable the fermentation lasts from one week to two weeks
( when adding EM microroganisms ). If I would use some less
intensive fermentative microorganisms I guess the
fermentation processs would last even more.
I can send you photos.
For containers I use glasses with woodden cover and momently I also buy some Japan special plastic containers right for the fermentation in the small kitchens.
I have few such containers ( each one is for 3 littres of
vegetable ). This enough for three people for one week ...each day to add to you lunch or even carry it in some special small container to the office for lunch or breakfast ...sometimes I carry even to the restaraunt.
For example ecen pizza is more digestible and less potent
for Candida when I add fermented vegetable to such meal.
Staff of the restaurant or pizzeria at the begining were
not too happy but they get used to me...
Of course even better is completed meal.
For example such anti-candida Meal would be:
1. sprouted quinoa
you sprout three days in special container.
on second day I am adding EM microrganism
This way quionoa sprouted seeds become mild acid
and that is very refreshing and tasty.
I make soup from those sprouted seeds.
I add sauce made of ginger, lemon grass and
Celery and adding few pieces of Palm oil.
2. Main meal is omelette made of buckwheat flour and water
baked on palm oil.
After I put broccoli sprouts in the omeletter and
add some hemp cold pressed oil put on sprouts.
I this this content.
As a salad I add fermented vegetable.
This very energetic meal . Although a lot of carbo in fats
( this supposed to be even more potent for Candida risks ) it has cleansing effect on intestinal. I can state this on basis of the feaces and mood.Feaces should have greener colour ( this has cleansing effects on walls ) and suppose to be solid ( brushing effect on walls of colon - because
of biofilms and adhered Candida cells ).