Hi! I have a problem that has been getting worse since starting a diet.
I have had cracking joints since i was little, but now they are much worse. My joints start cracking 1 hour after i eat anything antifungal, yeast, vinager(made with yeast), MSG(made from yeast), mushrooms, grains, milk and to some degree also tomatoes(much glutamate) and chlorella(much glutamate). Apparently candida shares surface particles with these. For instance, a candida overgrowth can be the cause of gluten intolerance since they share surface particles.
My thyroid test showed nothing wrong.
Cracking joints can be seen in people with thyroid diseases and fibromyalgia (thyroid problem). I also am tired all the time, have no interest in sex, acne, some hypermobility, constipation, and lately (last 4 months), my skin has been getting VERY droopy, especially under my arms and in my face. I am only 27 and i am starting to look like a pitbull. I know that thyroid hormones are what decides how loose the connective tissue is. I have also started to have less feeling in my skin since the last 2 months. I think it might be because of decreased blood flow. Also my ears and the tip of my nose have become much softer than they use to be.
It seems i have been getting more allergic to yeast, grains etc after stopping to eat them, so now my joints crack very much all the time.. after a long period of lots of cracking i am now here with this horrible skin.
What should i do??
If i eat antifungals my skin will become worse since the cracking will be worse.
Is there a way to decrease candida antibodies????
Or gluten antibodies??
Or thyroid antibodies.
I have been thinking that maybe when i eat yeast, cortisol rises which causes much rt3 to be produced. But i am not sure if this can affect the joints in just one hour. I think it might be some kind of fluid retention.
If it is not rt3, i was thinking maybe candida antibodies can some how affect the thyroid receptors?? Does anyone know anything about this? It might explain how it can spread so fast. Before it got worse, the cracking used to stop about 3 days after i ate the thing that made it crack. But now, since it cracks from much lower levels of yeast, it cracks all the time.
Is there a way to turn the immune system away from antibodies into what it should use to fight candida?
I know that interleukin-2 is good against candida, but that candida makes us produce interleukin-6 which is not good at all against it.
I really do not know what to do. The last 6 months i have been trying not to eat these things but they are in everything. Even moldy foods or spices.. and vegetables or seeds that are just slightly antifungal.