Hello flushers,
I have never posted on CZ but have read many forums. I have done 12
Liver Flushes in the last year, most of them following the Clark recipe, except for the last two, to which I added coke and orthophosphoric acid.
My main reason for flushing were not allergies or other severe illnesses, but just a need to feel better, more energetic, clearheaded, optimistic and without depression. I am female and 42 years old, and over the last couple of years I've noticed an accelerated aging process coupled with lack of energy and sluggish digestion. My hair is entirely white, but I color it. This runs in my family but I also had a thyroid problem (both hypo- and hyperthyroid)which in the last year has disappeared (liver flushes?).
I've had a history of constipation since my childhood. When I was little I was sick all the time and I was given
Antibiotics constantly. Some of the vaccines I got in my infancy were so strong that I would cry for days and nights without stopping. I have a feeling that all these have contributed to a weak immune system and a weak digestion from early on. I am now at the point where I need to take something to be able to go to the bathroom every day.
My problem now is that despite following the respective flush recipes to the letter, I can only release about 2-10 tiny green stones, in a good flush, or nothing at all, which is most of the time. My most successful flush was around no. 7 when I released about 60 small green cholesterol stones. The rest of the time nothing comes out. I have taken chanka piedra, GCG and the whole set of bitters from sensible health. No change. I've added the orthophosphoric acid to the apple cider in the last two flushes in the hope that this will do it. During the last flush I eliminated 10 tiny green stones. Meanwhile, I have a dull pain in the area of my gallbladder. During the flush I felt an intermittent sharp pain in the gallbladder, as if a stone was trying to come out. I've felt the same pain during the last couple of flushes and every time I hoped that I would pass a large stone. False alarm every time.
By the way, I must laugh every time I read some skeptic's argument that the stones are formed by oil and grapefruit juice. What about my 6 or 7 flushes where nothing came out??
Is there a point for me to keep doing the flushes? I must say that every two or three weeks the pressure in my liver builds up and I know that this is the time to flush. There was one time when I felt really elated after a flush. I was bouncing with energy and had three bowel movements a day. That lasted for about three days, then back to normal. Am I chasing and unattainable chimera? Do I have a large stone in my gallbladder? Am I imagining stones?
Oh, I've done bowel cleanses,
parasite cleanses and I've expelled three lonely flukes. I've also done
coffee enemas after the flushes and nothing came out, except for once when a few more stones were eliminated.
I would love to get your take on my situation.