Search on this forum for "dishwashing soap".
Go to the search box in the right top corner area of the main "peeling lips" forum page, and type into the box the words "dishwashing soap"
- spelled exactly like that - (I know your spelling is a little creative) :-)
There are many, many reports of using dishwashing soap on here, as well as many other very useful and interesting posts from the past 5 years.
If you have some time off work, you really must read through this forum to get the knowledge that so many people like us have already accumulated - most of them aren't on this forum anymore, so you must read their posts from the last 5 years. I promise that it will give you ideas to try that you haven't thought of yet.
However, folks, let me say that I do not think that using DISHwashing soap is a good idea for cheilitis.
1. First of all, if it has triclosan or any other antibacterial ingredient in it, that is not good for human ingestion, and is not meant to be put near the human mouth or to be breathed in at close range from the nose.
2. Secondly, dishwashing soap has other harsh ingredients which aren't really even good for the HANDS to be in frequent contact with, let alone the lips and mouth.
3. Thirdly, dishwashing soap is very drying, and it can make your lip skin dried out and cracked.
4. Fourthly, when I tried washing my lips with ORGANIC, NO COLORINGS, NO HARSH INGREDIENTS, NO SCENTS dishwashing soap for 3 days, it was so drying and destructive of my lip skin that it made my cheilitis move around from my bottom lip to be on 1 centimeter on either side of my upper lip. At that point, I stopped it immediately, and fortunately my cheilitis retreated to being back on my lower lip only.
5. Fifthly, I DO think it's a great idea to wash the lip area specifically, on their own, 4 times a day, especially after eating or brushing your teeth, and even with only a rinse of warm water, if you don't have anything else but water nearby. Doing this was recommended by a dermatologist on the internet for his cheilitis patients, so I decided to give it a try. I think it helps.
6. Sixthly, I have been washing my lips 4 times a day the past few weeks with a very mild, organic, gentle, no
preservatives soap that is **NOT FOR DISHES, PEOPLE**! It is a soap that is meant for human skin. It contains healing botanical ingredients like tea tree oil, white tea, chamomile, mint, and coconut oil, and it smells great and I think it is doing something good for my lips.