I haven't counted everything up yet, however I had some different things come up today.
After I did my first cleanse two weeks ago, my liver started swelling up a week later and my skin was breaking out more. I felt worse, in general. I had expelled several hundred stones (including 30 or so pea-sized). I didn't do a
Bowel Cleanse afterwards, and I believe this effected me.
For my 2nd cleanse, I took an Herbal Hepacleanze product from my chiropractor in big quantities in the days before the flush. He told me this would increase bile production.
My cleanse was strong. I had probably over 100 pea-sized stones. This time, however, in addition to green stones I had a good many tan peanut colored stones. What are these? They kind of look like undigested nuts or something.
I had tons of bb sized stones. I feel much better after this one-- and I am going to get a
colonic today to cleanse my system out.
Lessons learned-- from now on, I am going to cleanse whenever my liver area feels swollen. (how do you tell the difference between your liver area and gallbladder area?) I'm not going to wait 2 weeks when my body is telling me that it needs to be flushed today.
This feels good, but I still feel some tension my liver even afterwards like I have more to go.
Finally, I had one large thing come out that looked kind of like a tan mushroom. I'm not sure if it was undigested food or whatever, but it was 4 times as big as any of my other stones.
Can one have tannish color stones?