Hey Ana,
My username's Surfer27, but you can call me Ryan. I just read your post and can totally relate to you, on all scales, about this fecal
Body Odor . I like you, wish that I could do all the things, you mention of. If I can ask, what kinds of things have you tried, to get rid of this fecal
Body Odor ? Just to fill you in, I've been suffering with fecal
Body Odor s for 4 yrs now, eversince I thought something would help with my irritable bowel syndrome. I now have realized, that I very well, may have opened up a bad can of worms. Here's some of the things, I've tried.
1.charcoal tablets
2.grapefruit seed capsules
3.intestinal cleansers
4.wheatgrass juice.
5.cholorphyllin capsules
6.bowel cleansers
7.zinc capsules
8.glucosamine and glutamine capsules
9.pro m internal deoderizer
10.golden seal capsules
11.yeast and candida capsules
Tests I have had done, to figure out why I have this fecal body odor, are:
1.Barium Enema
2.Colonscopy tests
3.Blood Tests
4. Urine and Stool Sample Tests
Get back to me, if you can, when you're available. I look forward to hearing from you. Take care and Goodluck. Feel free, to email me day or night, as I'm here at home all day anyways. Thanks. God bless.