Hi, sO2!
When I was at my worst, my adrenals were not tested, but had fatigue so bad that I slept most of the time. Had a handicapped placard because it was exhausting to walk a few extra feet when shopping, and used the carts for walkers because I was too weak and tired to stand and walk unassisted. After being up and out for an hour, would be bedridden for the rest of the day or sometimes even longer. Is that the level of adrenal exhaustion you are talking about?
Several years later, after I had gradually improved about 30%, saliva tests still showed me to have very severe adrenal insufficiency. I would say that I am at about 90% recovered now, and still improving.
Along the way, was diagnosed with CFIDS/chronic fatigue syndrome, FMS/fibromyalgia, severe MCS/chemical sensitivity, had poor thyroid function, was constantly bone-chillingly cold unless in very hot water or very hot air, was stiff, hurt like h--- most of the time, was intermittently dysgraphic and dyslexic, intermittently very sensitive to touch, sound, light. Had poor digestion, heartburn, did not ever sleep well. On top of that, had bipolar disorder and could not tolerate the usual meds for it!!!!
The most important factor in my recovery was addressing my spiritual need. [Matthew 5:3 “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need. . ."] I am an ardent and unapologetic advocate of Bible-based spirituality. I attribute my recovery primarily to putting my relationship to God and spiritual matters first in my life. [Matthew 6:33 “Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [other] things will be added to YOU." Once I began doing this, I have been progressively guided to what I need in all areas of my life, including physical health.
That being said, I have tried many of the supplements out there, both individually and in proprietary blends. In my experience, there was little diff between the most affordable forms of these I found, from Swanson's Vitamins, and the allegedly better and definitely many times more expensive forms. NONE of these offered me any more than slight improvement, even after staying on them for many months. And keeping track of loads of pills, let alone spending lots of $$ on them and having to swallow them all was def a bummer!!!! I would not recommend most of them, except in very limited situations and short periods of time. If that does not help, look elsewhere for an answer to yr problem!!!
I have also done lots of "cleanses" and "detoxing". At first this seemed to help, but later on, it seemed to make me much worse. So, I began to look into what I might be exhausting with these, and came up with the idea it might be related to deficiency in either major or minor alkaline minerals. I tried a [horribly expensive!!!] proprietary method or replenishing these that was formulated by an MD. Did not help much, and like the supps, was far too expensive for me to continue.
At that point, I prayed for the simplest, least expensive solution possible. It is sure a good idea to be specific with one's prayers!
Almost immediately afterward, I found the Ask Moreless forum here at Curezone. I have been using the ideas found there for about 3 years. The alkalising drink, alkalising baths, sprays and lotions one can make oneself with affordable and readily available ingredients has improved my health beyond anything I had imagined possible. At age 58, my health is now better than average for my age and still improving steadily. I have kicked most of the pills to the curb. [YAY!!!!]
At the Ask Moreless site, I learned much about why common conventional and alternative health solutions are only partial and temporary fixes or do not work at all. I learned the basics of how the reaction of acid and alkaline must be properly sustained for good health, and how to live my life with this in mind in a practical way. I learned about NPN/funny protein as a hidden source of toxic overload and how to avoid it. I learned that if I supplied copious amounts of all the alkaline minerals in forms the body would utilize, I DID NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT DETOXING..my body was well-designed and would do the job, given the right material to work with. I learned to choose or grow the best quality foods possible. I learned to include LOTS of seaweed of many diff kinds in my daily diet. I learned to JUST SAY NO to processed foods.
Until recently, I would improve for a while then have mysterious setbacks. These now seem to have been from chronic mold exposure. This is a potential source of chronic stress either by allergic/sensitivity reaction or due to periodic release of mycotoxins [mold toxins] into one's environment.
Addressing the mold issue seems to be the last step toward astoundingly good health for me. I strongly suggest that anyone with chronic health issues consider relocating for a few days or weeks to see if their symptoms shift...if so, consider mold as a culprit. It is NOT always visible or otherwise obvious to the senses. Do some research, see if it might be a hidden burden that you can get rid of once identified.
Hope this is helpful!
Keep seeking, applying, sharing accurate knowledge in order that you may
Keep seeking abundant life and joy!!!!