I just posted that the FDA has approved it for heavy bleeding, and here you are.......
Between 10-20% of the users experience the side effects (no way of knowing an exact #, that's a guess-check the safety info on the mirena site, which btw, doesnt list all of them) also, take a look at the petition (the link is above). You can decide if the possibility of becoming one of these stories is worth the risk.
I would wonder, is the bleeding debilitating or causing anemia, or is it something you can live with? Also, have you looked at alternatives?
There is some research I posted awhile back about how the Mirena changes the structure of your endometrium. It did NOT sound healthy, and if you are being biopsied for cancerous cells, i would be concerned.
Also, if your bleeding pattern is recently changed, is it possible you are entering periomenopause? If that is the case, you may want to wait a bit and see what happens. It might balance itself out. Not really a good time to mess with your hormones if you can avoid it.
If you have any kind of history of sensitivity to hormones, emotional imbalance, or any kind of autoimmune disorder, I would say not to get it. Personally, I wouldn't recommend this thing to anyone, but that's just my opinion. The side effect have a way of creeping up on you and you don't even realize it is happening. Even worse, there are some women who get them immediately, and it takes months to recover. If it gets you, it is life altering.
Best of luck on your decision. I know it is tough, especially since most Gyn's think this is the best thing since sliced bread....