Hi Mirenahater3 and srharder,
I will let you know how the GI consult goes. I have nothing against Nexium if it does the trick, but have had a BUNCH of nasty stomach infections this year -- with the only guess at a cause being immune system overload related to Mirena -- however, with this being the case, acid reducers are DEFINITELY not a good idea for me. Stomach acid keeps out the baddies, and those on PPIs and acid reducers, even without previous infection, have been known to contract stomach bugs including C. Diff spontaneously, and at a significantly higher rate than those who don't use them. I'd rather wrangle with the reflux than face another C. Diff infection.
I was also very afraid to use the Progesterone cream because I had heard it could cause heartburn by weakening the LES. I also was optimistic, thinking that the onset of heartburn signalled the return of my progesterone production.
But with continuuing heartburn, sleeplessness, nightsweats, and the complete disappearance of my 3rd post mirena period (still waiting!) decided to try it out. It has helped with all my other symptoms which is great. And I got the results back from a urine/saliva hormone test on Friday, which shows that before using the Progesterone cream, both my Progesterone AND my Estrogen levels were extremely low. So at the moment, I don't think the cream can be causing the reflux, though if it gets worse I will consider discontinuing the cream.
The interesting part about the hormone test was that it also showed very elevated cortisol, which has a big role in hormone balance, and over time can cause adrenal fatigue, and also has a direct effect on stomach acid and IBS. Now my doctor and I are working on adrenal support, cortisol reduction, and hormone balace. I get another hormone test in 6 weeks to see how things are going and will keep you updated.