So if I have posted on his foum in the past, that makes him my leader? Wow, are you serious? Keep assuming Im a moreless follower if you want.
This post had absolutely nothing to do with moreless. Nothing! But for some reason people here keep trying to make it about him.
Is it inherently wrong to ask the forum owner about his background...
Again, how many other forum owners have you asked this same question? If none then why me?
As I said I am very careful about what personal information I put out here because of already being threatened by one person for proving them wrong and I have been relentlessly attacked and lied about by the Moreless followers for repeatedly exposing him as a fraud. For example Justin has stated that I am a pharmaceutical shill more times than I care to count. If I am a pharmaceutical shill then why would I bad mouth pharmaceuticals and promote herbs and supplements? If he knew my background then he would find some way to make an issue of it no matter how I answer. Just like I have been told on a number of "support" forums that I should not be posting there because I am not sick and had not ever had the problem. That is a pretty ridiculous claim. That is like saying that if you were dying of cancer that your family cannot support you unless they are all dying of cancer as well. Point is that the people who have been exposed as frauds are looking for ANYTHING they can twist to try and discredit me, even if they have to make it up like Moreless and his followers have repeatedly done. So I am not intending on making it any easier for them by providing my background. If I said I was a doctor then they will claim I was bought off by the drug companies. If I say I am a scientist they will say that I was brainwashed by the schools and have only been taught to think inside the box. Basically it is a no win situation when you are dealing with highly mentally unstable people with a vendetta to get you!!!
My I ask what your background is? And why do feel you can explain the myths and facts of alternative medicine?
I am curious. I see you spend a lot of time on the Moreless board posting there. Have you ever asked him his credentials and what makes him feel he can explain the myths and facts of acid/alkaline balance? If you have not asked and received an answer then why?
I have told a few people here who I am and what my background is. But I am selective as to who I tell because there are too many nut cases out there. I have been relentlessly attacked and lied about by several of the pseudo-Christians on the Moreless site who think they can break all of God's laws as long as they can quote scripture afterward to absolve themselves of their sins. And I had someone else from another board actually threaten me for contradicting his false claims. So I don't post my information publicly, especially to someone who follows the ridiculous claims of Moreless.
What I will say is that when it comes to science and medicine I can guarantee you that Moreless is a preschooler and I am a university professor in comparison. If you ever get a answer from Moreless on what he thinks makes him qualified I would really be interested in hearing the answer. Di claimed he was some kind a soil analysis expert, which I find very hard to believe being that he did not even understand the soil nitrogen cycle. The only way he would have gotten a degree in soil analysis based on his claims is if he got it issued from the Moreless University of False Ideals (MUFI). So please get back to me when you get an answer from Moreless.
That is your choice. But as everyone here has pointed out what I have posted can be easily verified from credible sources. Can you do the same thing with all of the other forums you post on?
What gets me is why are you targeting me? Again, who else have you asked the same of and gotten an answer? If you want to leave names out then I will say it this way. I know someone on these forums that has repeatedly made up science and medical facts, has refused to present any evidence to back his claims,has been repeatedly proven wrong but continues to use the same disproven claims, contradicts himself constantly, and attacks anyone who dares to question him. Yet I could not find any posts where you questioned his credentials. Why is that?
I have said from early on that I don't expect anyone to just take what I say for the gospel. I want people to research and verify what I say because healing should involve personal responsibility. To just do without researching first is not smart. As an example I once talked to a lady with leukemia that was against alternative medicines. Her reasoning was that she claimed to have spent $10,000 in Mexico on a quack treatment. So I asked her to give me more details. Well they gave her some liquid to drink and she started throwing up this black tar. I knew immediately what happened. She took INJECTABLE laetrile, which is highly concentrated and drank it. In short laetrile and stomach acid don't mix well, which is why it was in an injectable form. As far as I am concerned she was just as much to blame for the problem as the clinic. If I am going to plunk down $10,000 on a therapy I am going to go spend at least 30 minutes at the library, or now on the Internet, researching everything I can about that therapy. What she did was akin to buying a used car over the phone from someone she does not know and without ever looking at it or having it checked out. So what my credentials are is irrelevant because I want people to verify what I tell them. That way they also see that I do know what I am talking about. Do any of the other boards you post on encourage you to verify what they are posting?