>> Bear in mind that the fast does not heal.........it only allows your body to do so, and where this is an ongoing process after your fast is broken. <<
that is *such* a crucial point - bless ya chrisb1.
it's not just the fast.
it's not just the re-feeding, either.
it's an ongoing process.
and it's called 'wellness'.
so, please. believe: your fast will help you heal. and you *can* heal.
you need to break your fast correctly. you need sunlight, fresh air, fresh foods, a fresh, healthful attitude. and NO stress!
i'm sure you know all this. but we are your reinforcements! and your support.
fasting engenders a mind/body connection like none other. if you let intuition be your guide, you will be rocking.
and it seems like you and your intuition are already good friends, otherwise you wouldn't be here on day 24 ;)
peace + blessings
- lulu