Anybody, and everybody that thinks
parasites are the "sole cause" of their problems..needs to stop and consider what else GOES with the parasites, or what may be causing the symptoms that are NOT
parasites but something else entirely.
And these..are just a few of them:
What ELSE do people need to be aware of when they "start killing parasites"??
The problem people aren't understanding the full picture of, is exactly what
Hulda Clark says in her book. Why does she say to zap for 7 minutes, stop for 20...zap for 7, stop for 20, and zap for 7? Because of the
parasites starting to die with the first 7 minutes. And then why does she say that if you stop in the middle, and don't carry on the other 2 rounds of 7....because what is coming OFF of the dying parasites that have to then be hit?
So what happens to dying parasites and the viruses and bacterias coming off of them AREN'T being "zapped", or killed with frequencies like Rife? They stay alive, and cause even more problems. There's a LOT more to it, which
Hulda Clark also talks about, but people just get focused on "kill the parasites".
The viruses and bacterias.
Why have people suddenly had to deal with shingles, when they've started innocently killing the parasites?? Why do people start killing parasites and end up with even worse problems?
Because the viruses of the herpes family, including the Epstein Barr, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes, both simplex and the other kind of herpes-- live WITH the parasites. Bacterias/protozoans too. When the
parasite dies, they don't die with it. The spirochetes, rickettsia, ehrlichia, babesia, borrelia-- all found with Lyme, along with Bartonella, and Brucella. Don't die from
parasite killing herbs either. In fact, alot of people just make them mad and really get things stirred up.
I probably would scoff at it myself, if I wasn't also seeing these things coming up in me on the 3 different types of biofeedback. Newport has been right on, from seeing it time and again in himself and the family and friends he works with (which includes biofeedback as a big part of it)
I've really had to stop and consider what it means to tell people they "need to kill the parasites", because not also telling people the rest of the story that also goes with the parasites, is not a good thing. Coxsackie came up very strong for me in both the MSAS and verified with the muscle testing with the coxsackie vial. I killed aLOT of ascaris.
>>Most cases of
Ascaris infestation also show bactroides fragilis, bacteria that, in turn, carries the Coxsackie virus, a brain virus. Sometimes these bacteria or viruses thrive in organs, which have a low immunity. The preferred organs for bacteroides are the liver and brain (brain tumors always show bacteroides). The preferred areas for Coxsackie viruses appear to be tooth abscesses and brain.
>>Take the homeopathic remedies Staph and Coxsackie
Homeopathics work with frequencies like Rife does. No amount of herbs, or drugs, will clean up the rest of the stuff that goes with the parasites. THAT's the danger of people not knowing, and focusing on "KILL" the parasites. It's far more than just the parasites.
Candida WILL ALWAYS be a factor too.
Cytomegalovirus- comes off of dog heart worm, which I had him specifically test me for to see if it was a factor, and after ALL the herbs I had taken- dog heart worm was STILL a problem in my heart! My husband's too, and yes, cytomegalovirus was a major thing for him.
Until I can get Rife, homeopathics works from the "top down, and from the inside out". My husband would tell you that the homeopathic series for Cytomegalovirus, knocked him on his butt. But, it wasn't until we specifically did the biofeedback testing for the Dog Heart Worm, and the ND "imprinted" the homeopathics specific for it for both of us, that the CMV no longer showed as a problem. The Dog Heart Worm had to be addressed WITH the CMV, not just the CMV.
It's not just
Hulda Clark that says bacterias and viruses come with parasites either.
I've seen people that have been killing parasites for some time, think the herpes family viruses couldn't possibly be a problem for them- they don't need to address any viruses like that. Not so.
(and why not to take arginine)
>>The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that about 92% of Americans would test positive to having the antibodies to at least six strains of Herpes viruses. This means that even without any Herpes symptoms, such as cold sores, canker sores, ulcers in the mouth and genital tissues, you likely have these viruses. Lyme Disease researchers have found that a common virus in chronic Lyme disease is the Human Herpes Virus-6 (HHV-6). The Herpes viruses, especially the Herpes simplex, synthesize or produce arginine-rich protein. Herpes viruses need arginine in order to continue replicating (Griffin et al. 1981).
Armed now with the knowledge that Lyme spirochetes increase ammonia and mixing arginine with ammonia leads to increased brain swelling and energy deficits, addressing viruses becomes a very important issue in healing from Lyme disease.
Dietary supplementation with the amino-acid L-Lysine helps block the Herpes virus from replicating by several different mechanisms. L-Lysine limits the absorption of L-arginine in the gut; it promotes the rapid, enzymatic breakdown of L-arginine; and it generally antagonizes the growth-promoting actions of arginine on the Herpes viruses (Miller 1984>>
>>The life cycle and mode of transmission for D. fragilis are not known, although transmission via helminth eggs such as those of
Ascaris and Enterobius spp. has been postulated
>>It has also been recently speculated that pinworms themselves may serve as an intermediate host to Dientamoeba fragilis, a relatively mysterious protozoa that is still struggling to gain recognition as a human pathogen in certain countries. However, an increasing number of studies are incriminating it as a legitimate enteric pathogen, and it has been associated with clinical syndromes such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. However, much about this pathogen, including its transmission, is still being investigated. Most intestinal protozoa are transmitted fecal-orally via a cyst form, but D. fragilis is generally accepted as not having a cyst form. Therefore, researchers have turned to its proposed nearest relative, Histomonas meleagridis, for comparison. H. meleagridis possesses several characteristics comparable to those of D. fragilis, and it is interesting to note that it is transmitted via the eggs of the nematode Heterakis gallinae. Burrows and Swerldlow proposed in 1956 that D. fragilis is transmitted via pinworm eggs based on the analysis of 22 appendices in which D. fragilis was isolated: There was a 20-fold greater incidence of pinworm infection than calculated, and small ameboid bodies bearing great resemblance to the nuclei of D. fragilis were observed in the pinworm eggs. However, it is still worth bearing in mind that D. fragilis has been associated with other intestinal parasites (such as
Ascaris lumbricoides), and that the lack of a cyst stage yet to be conclusively proven, as D. fragilis has been found to have a high rate of coinfection with organisms which are transmitted fecal-orally.
Goes with flukes! It is also an anaerobic bacteria that ATTACKS BILE. So does giardia. DOES getting rid of the fluke get rid of the clostridium? no. Both Hulda Clark and Bob Beck talk about clostridium being found in gall/
liver stones . If you have the Hulda Clark book, look up "Clostridium" and see what she says about it.
Veterinarians KNOW this with liver flukes in animals. From 3 different veterinary sites.
>>Liver damage by flukes is often the trigger factor for Black disease – a fatal disease caused by Clostridium oedematiens.
>>A serious consequence of the liver damage caused by fascioliasis is that latent Clostridium novyi spores can be activated by the low oxygen conditions in the damaged tracts the
parasite forms in the liver - this can lead to "black disease", caused by Clostridium novyi type B or immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia (IMHA) leading to haemoglobinuria caused by Clostridium novyi type D.
>>Intervet’s Rosemary Booth says there is a lot of evidence to suggest that the damage to the liver caused by fluke infestations will increase its susceptibility to clostridial diseases, particularly Black disease caused by Clostridium novyi.
Black disease bacteria thrive in the damage caused by fluke as they bore through the liver, and the first symptom is often sudden death of seemingly healthy animals. Sheep vaccinated against C novyi with, for example, Heptavac-P Plus, are much less likely to succumb to the effects of Black disease than those that are not vaccinated.
Ms Booth also highlights that sheep under stress, such as that resulting from a fluke infestation, will be more susceptible to pasteurella, increasing the requirement that all animals are treated with a combined clostridial disease and pasteurella vaccine.
The exceptionally warm spring, followed by persistent wet weather since the middle of May, means that the fluke threat is currently high. Producers should ensure that their flocks are treated with an effective flukicide and vaccinated against clostridial diseases to prevent sudden and costly losses caused by fluke-induced Black disease.>>