We must remember that those who are presently Sick and Diseased cannot Think Clearly, thus may wander all over the place at first, un-til they can find their direction in Life?
Are you making a statement or asking a question? I often fail to know which in your posts, and to say the least, it takes getting used to.
I'm getting a little tired of people assuming that I''m *sick and diseased* here. I guess I'm going to possibly stay out of your threads.
Let's see either of you speak to me that way in real life instead of talking behind my back in posts not adressed to me, and then we'll REALLY see what kind of men you are. I doubt you ever would. You're both 10' tall at home at the keyboard but total WIMPS in real life. I guess that's the only way some boys will ever be real men - in an internet fantasy world.
seems to me what you have been doing has failed you, so if you are not here to shed your past mistakes and rethink your obviously flawed ideas why are you here?
No it, hasn't failed me. Unfortunatly dfor some, health ddoesn't come fast. We have to take one thing at a time, and be patient, for months and years. I'm still and may always be *tinkering* with my health, but that doesn't mean I failed at anyhing, and it's annoying and inapproapriate the way you hastily label me.
I may stick around here permanently, so you're bound to find out sooner or later why I'm here. In the meantime, it might be a good idea if you stop assuming things about me and others. Things aren't always what they seem to be.
Now, let's take this cool,slow, and easy and not try to answer everything all at once.
This Protocol will Not work for YOU, because YOU are not yet willing to admit what you have been doing has not worked!
Right off the bat and early on : I disagree with this statement. Why would I admit something I don't even think is true? How can you say what I'm doing has not worked, based on what little you know about me on your PC screen? I think you tend to assume a lot, and are at it again, assuming I'm unwell. Maybe the reason I came here is because I was looking for improvements. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm unwell or sick, so you shouldn't assume it. I feel like I'm wasting time again, having to tell you everything, like I'M the teacher, not you.
Excess alkalinity is harder for the body to get rid of than excess acid, I've heard, and have found to be true with my own body.
I can say "OK ML, I'll do your program, you know everything about my body", and I can do it, but that DOES NOT mean my body will be healthy like you and many of you here can be on it. Trust me, I know my body MUCH more than you know my body. Don't be a fool.
Sorry. I'm going to have to pick and choose what parrts of this program I can and will do. If you can't accept that, so be it. I know my body very well, thank you.
I think you are stubborn to come down off your high horse and admit there are a certain % of people that you can not and WILL NOT reach on this program. We're all different. People that think we are all the same I have been avoiding for many years. They don't see the big picture. They assume things and take credit for things they don't deserve.
If you cannot accept others I may as well leave here. I don't want to read your reply in full because you sound like a broken record and just keep repeating yourself. There is no point in my reading your full reply. You are not accepting of my body chemistry. I cannot snap my fingers and make my body work like you and some of the others' here.