Make Your Own Liposomal Encapsulated Vitamin C
In our recent researches evaluating this technology and, consequently, in searching for possible
“process” improvements/modifications which might facilitate the “lay person” an opportunity for a
DIY methodology achievable in a home environment—we did achieve some notable progress.
First, a brief summary of our exploratory activity. Our literature searches revealed several
companies actively exhibiting valid capability in this area (LET).
Typical, and demonstrably capable, is a company named MICROTEK.
Helpful information is available here.
One fact became obvious, early on, to wit: The truly striking feature of LET was a
NATURALLY-occurring characteristic…… and not a man-made process, that was driving this
encapsulation process. That is, this process is a function of an automatic, “natural tendency” of
certain substances (e.g. phospholipids in this case) to form tiny vacoules or
bubbles—called liposomes—-when in a aqueous solution under certain conditions. ”
The keystone activity is that these liposomes automatically fill themselves with whatever aqueous
solution they were in—-before they were formed. “This type of bubble, called a membrane, forms a
protective barrier around virtually every cell in the human body.”
Livon Labs has perfected a process which employs a high-pressure (1700 p.s.i.) discharge system
which directs a liquid stream against a forming plate. The high impact forces the phospholipids
(soy lecithin in this case) to form liposomes—-so small they require an electrom microscope for
viewing. This technology does not create the LET activity….it just enhances it. In our personal
researches we have determined the key to exploiting the LET phenomenon appeared to be Livon’s
application of intense force in their mixing methodology.
Enter the “enlightening” moment. Searching for a method of achieving liposomal encapsulation, it
occurred to us to explore ultrasonic stimulation as an option. It worked…maybe not quite as well
as Livon’s “high tech” brute force approach…but about 70% as well. Plenty efficient for our
Our vitamin “C” liposomal encapsulation protocol is as follows:
Using a small (2 cup) Ultrasonic cleaner, (Item #03305, obtainable from Harbor Freight @ about
$30.00), we performed the following:
1. Dissolved 3 level tablespoons of soy lecithin in 1 cup of water (preferably distilled). Note:
This is key to being successful from the start. Mix the lecithin and distilled water in a
seal-able quart jar so you can shake/agitate until the lecithin is completely dissolved. You
don’t want any lecithin granules visible. Keep agitating until all granules are dissolved.
2. Dissolved 1 level tablespoon of ascorbic acid powder (Vit. “C”) in 1/2 cup of water.
3. Poured both solutions together in the ultrasonic cleaner bowl and turned the unit on. Using a
plastic straw (leaving the top of the cleaner opened), gently, slowly, stirred the contents. Note:
The cleaner will, automatically, self-stop about every 2 minutes. Just push ON button to continue.
Repeat for a total of 3 series (6 minutes). By that time the entire solution should be blended
into a cloudy, homogeneous, milk-like mixture. The LET solution is now formed. Tip: Pour the
dissolved Vitamin C solution into the seal-able quart jar with the dissolved lecithin and shake
briefly prior to pouring into the ultra-sonic cleaner. If you dissolved your lecithin first as
directed in the note above you will need to close the lid due to bubbling. Simply open the lid
frequently and give the mixture a quick stir before closing the lid again.
4. This protocol furnishes about 12 grams (12000mg.) of vitamin C product. At 70% encapsulation
efficiency, 8400 mg would be of the LET type. This solution will keep, acceptably, at room
temperature for 3 to 4 days. Refrigerated, it will keep much longer.
Note: You can use the verification test described in comment #3 below to test the efficacy of your
Liposomal Vitamin C. If you followed the tip about completely dissolving the lecithin granules
prior to mixing in the ultrasonic cleaner you should have 75%+ encapsulation.
We use it so fast around our place…there isn’t enough left to be concerned over storage. The
“homogenizing effect” is so powerful that after 3 days at room temperature, no precipitation or
solution separation appears evident. This type of sequestered vitamin “C” has demonstrated to be,
at least 5 times more effective (per volumetric measure) than any other form of orally-ingested
vitamin “c”….that we have tested.
Additionally, it appears to be even more rapid in tissue-bed availability—-than IV applications.
An astounding revelation….to us. We estimate the DIY researcher can produce the active LET portion
of this solution for 15 cents per gram….as against about $1.00 per gram from commerci! al sources.
It is my hope that this, limited, explanation of our activities in this area,
is of some value to our do-it-yourself health-maintenance researchers. In any event, this protocol
has demonstrated to be n on-toxic and most helpful to OUR RESEARCHES.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
p.s. A larger, more powerful, ultrasonic cleaner is now available at Harbor Freight. Item number
91593. 2+ liters, for about $60.00. Both units have performed quite well for us. Almost as well as
our $500.00 lead zirconate titanate, research grade, unit.
Hi all…After my first batch of LC sat in the fridge over night it separated…wondering if anyone
could explain why or what I might have done wrong? Brooks said it would not separate….hum?Best
Dear Sandy,My apologies; I neglected to outline the attendant, probable, variations in the
protocol. What I SHOULD have said in my original post is “The visible, obviously homogenized,
portion of the solution”, whenever I made the comment about the stability of the completed,
resultant, material.
I believe you will gain a little better knowledge of the results you achieved, after reading my
most recent comment on an inquiry by Sheila.
Bottom line -your result was perfectly normal. Interestingly, the meniscus may present at the
top…or the bottom…..or not at all. Usually if the initial material combination has not run long
enough to incorporate a majority of the lecithin (or there is simply too much lecithin for the
available ascorbic acid fraction…..the meniscus will form on the top of the sample within a few
minutes after stopping the US agitation.
If your procedure has run acceptably well and-long enough to homogenize well, any meniscus
formation will, generally, present on the BOTTOM after overnight storage with or without
In any event, you are doing fine. If you do not want to consume the isolated lecithin fraction you
are observing, just decant the homogenized liposome solution and dispose of the isolated lecithin
I hope this information helps your dilemma.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
p.s. One just needs to continue to experiment “around-the-edges” of this protocol, in order to
achieve optimum results. Do not be reluctant to do such this IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE …just common
Dear Sheila,
Your question has been asked by others….(private inquires addressed directly to me). In the
interest of saving me time and energy, I offer the following explanation.
First, soy lecithin is a slow incorporator, when introduced into aqueous mediums….sometimes.
Especially, when there is a high lecithin granule population ratio-relative to the total water
volume. The general reaction is that a major percentage of the lecithin blends readily with the
the water medium, but there will remain a definitive lecithin component which floats on the
surface and exhibits a somewhat “gelatinous” appearance (this is quite natural, based upon the
native characteristics of the substances involved). Do not fret over encountering such
circumstances……they will not compromise the basic effectiveness of your protocol.
However, it is of some import to understand that the speed, and completeness, of the incorporation
of the granular lecithin—into the aqueous medium, is affected by a number of conditions such as
the total amount of lecithin versus the total volume of water; the temperature of the water-based
solution and the strength of any other substance being incorporated into the parent solution-from
very weak, to saturated (none of which are seriously compromising).
Under the best of conditions, even after ultrasonic mixing for 8 to 9 minutes….there is, often, a
thin meniscus (a distinct separation between two or more liquids in the same container). [Example:
a thin layer of oil lying on top of water.] In the liposome generation methodology we are
discussing, the visible, gelatinous, portion of the meniscus is principally made up of
unincorporated lecithin. Is IS NOT a problem, in fact the lecithin component has useful,
cardiovascular, health-support effects-beyond those being discussed here.
Either (or both) of two measures may be executed to reduce the volume of unincorporated lecithin
you may be encountering. First, increasing the volume of the total water fraction, or secondly,
raising the temperature of the total parent solution and extending the time of US reaction
One reason for the condition you are encountering is that the closer one gets to achieving a
saturated solution of lecithin….the more resistant the process becomes to accepting more granular
lecithin into that solution until the point is reached where no further material will incorporate
In my brief, original post, I did not discuss the nuances of speed, degree or completeness of
dissolution of the lecithin—-or for that matter— the ascorbic acid fraction. Neither did I outline
a number of other considerations; such as the effects of varying the volume of water versus the
ratios of the solution components ..or the total water volume versus the protocol components
primarily, because such elaborations would not serve usefulness/effectivity for the nontechnical.
DIY person. I simply outlined a SAFE, mid-spectrum, protocol allowing the average lay-person to
achieve a measure of acceptable results for home experimental research.
My personal bias is that it is better to have a small, uncombined, lecithin fraction presenting as
a meniscus…..than to strive toward what I perceive to be a cosmetic achievement-of small means of diluting the total solution. In any event the excess lecithin is a
positive is just not active in the liposome process until some parameter changes that
avails it the opportunity participate in the encapsulation process.
My final comment on this subject: If it is of paramount importance to one,regardless of reason. by
just increasing the water volume and reactivating the US Cleaner for several minutes….the
remaining lecithin will (in almost all cases) go into the emulsified solution. However, bear in
mind, you have diluted the entire solution by an equivalent strength with NO increase in total
vitamin C component.
Please understand, these comments are not meant to browbeat “anyone”….in any way….but, rather, to
aid the less technically-informed on the list.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
This entry was posted on 11. August 2009 at 15:26 and is filed under Supplements. You can follow
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3 Responses to “Make Your Own Liposomal Encapsulated Vitamin C”
admin says:
14. August 2009 at 21:43
Hello Everyone…
Today I bought everything I needed to make my Liposomal Vit-C. My ultrasonic cleaner was on sale
so that was a plus…$24.95. I put everything together just like Brooks said and it all turned out
the way he said would…so I took my first dose…the taste was not bad at all. I also bought some
d-ribose powder and plan to make that into a liposomal concoction. I cannot wait to feel the
Best regards…
admin says:
16. August 2009 at 16:03
From the Silver List.
Although not scientifically rigorous, I offer a simple test which will yield the DIY researcher
some element of confidence that they do, in fact, have a useful measure of liposomal encapsulate.
First, pour about 4 ounces of your finished Vitamin C encapsulate into a cylindrical, 12 ounce
water glass. Next, place 1/4 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate into about 1 ounce of distilled water
and stir for 3 to 5 seconds. Next, pour the sodium bicarbonate solution into the Vitamin C mixture
and stir gently for several seconds.
Note: If the foam/bubble line which forms on top is 1/2 inch or less—in height—you have about a
50% encapsulation efficiency. If the foam/bubble line is 3/8 of one inch…or less, you have about a
60% efficiency.
If the foam/bubble line is 1/8 inch or less, you have about 75% efficiency. If the foam/bubble
line is just a trace… should major in chemistry.
The percentages given above, represent the amount of the total Vitamin C component incorporated
during the encapsulation process…..that was actually encapsulated. The less encapsulation….the
greater the foaming.
What is, actually, occurring in this test is that the ascorbic acid fraction is being transformed
into the sodium ascorbate form of vitamin C. This test does not negatively affect the usefulness
of the solution you have tested… the isolated Vitamin C component is not adversely affecting
the encapsulate (which is being protected by the lecithin bubble-covering.) Actually, the sodium
ascorbate form of vitamin C is greater than an order-of-magnitude more soluble for tissue
incorporation……than is the ascorbic acid form.
In any event this simple test should serve to raise the level of confidence in the DIY
researcher…. that they do—in fact—have a useful measure of encapsulated vitamin C.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
p.s. I had, a few moments ago, just finished a much more extensive posting…..but some form of
invasive advertising spam flashed across the top of my mail system and in attempting to
circumvent/nullify the invader
I lost my entire post. The actual post your are receiving is the product of my existing dismay. —
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
admin says:
19. August 2009 at 16:18
Just to recapitulate (please correct me if I ‘ve got anything wrong):
1) + 2) The frequency and power of the ultrasonic cleaner (UC) seems to make not so much of a
difference, and can be adjusted by increasing the duration of the dissolving process in the
cleaner. Either a 50 watts, 42,000 cycles, $29.00, or a 160 watts, five preset cycles, $69.99
would work almost as well as a $500.00 lead zirconate titanate, research grade, unit.
3) As a source of phospholipids the dried granular form seems to give better results than liquid
soya lecithin. About 3 level tablespoons of lecithin granules should be dissolved into 1 cup of
distilled water.
4) The ratio of pure ascorbic acid powder to distilled water should be 1 level tablespoon (12
grams) in 1/2 cup of distilled water dissolved separately.
5) Both solutions are next poured in the UC - better in a separate glass due to concerns of
corrosion of the stainless steel container - and slowly stirred while the cleaner is turned on.
After about 6 minutes of ultrasonic dissolving the entire solution should be blended into a
cloudy, homogeneous, milk-like mixture. Ready for oral use.
6) “The visible, obviously homogenized, portion of the solution” will keep acceptably at room
temperature for 3 to 4 days. Refrigerated, it will keep much longer.
Re: DIY Liposomal Encapsulated Vitamin C -- maybe ORMUS delivery method too?
When using ultrasound bear in mind that the water containing the minerals is
best kept in an airtight enclosure while being vibrated. If it is not a lot of
the good stuff will escape into the air. That is why breathing the free air
coming off of an ultrasound set up will get you high.
Bo Long