I am SO thankful I found this site. You guys, I REALLY need help. I always knew I had Candida but never thought much of it because I had other major heath issues to deal with. I went to the dermatologist who gave me Antibiotics , long story short, after some time, it got rid of the colored patches on my skin.
Then I started getting Sebborea on my head and eyebrows/hair loss. I started treating that best I could. But a couple of days ago my throat started hurting and now i think i might have thrush! Unacceptable.
I am doing research and finding that I will have to commit to a strict diet, and that is completely fine with me. I was Vegan for 5 months, I can handle it i believe. However, there's more to it, and as I'm reading, it seems you guys know how to handle it.
I'm not sure EXACTLY what supplements to take to kill off the Candida. I know it's different for everyone but I don't know where to start. I want to see Dr.Michael Biamonte in the city but don't have the time nor the money for that as I'm going back to school in 10 days.
Please can anyone help me? I cant sleep. All I do is cry. Any advice would be sooo greatly appreciated. I just don't know, all the information I read is so conflicting. Are legumes good for you/bad? Dairy? Wouldn't this diet be harmful for me in the long run? How do I know it's working? What supplements? ANYTHING. Thank you in advance.
If this were my issue, I would
use Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil to
heal my face and head. I would
probably rotate the Coconut Oil
hair/head massages with Emu Oil.
I massage the coconut or emu oil
into my hair and my scalp. I smooth
oil on to my face. I cover my head
and hair with one of those disposable
plastic caps you can find in the hair
care section of Wally World, or a
drug store. If possible, I like
to allow it to saturate my head
and hair all day long. It feels
even better if I spend time out
side in the sun where the oils
get to warm and saturate my skin
and scalp, even more.
I probably would also be taking
something internally to combat
my overgrowth in my gut. There
are lots of options when dealing
with candida. Stop feeding the
yeast, kill off the overgrowth,
repopulate the gut with good flora.
I can recommend this product as
a professional quality candida
product which I have used many
times. It is called Mycostat~~
I had systemic candida although
no external thrush. My candida was
from too many anti-biotics. It took
a long time, under the direction of my
Naturopath but I was successful in bringing
my gut and digestion back into balance.
It is a process so when you are ready,
just jump in and keep going. You can
do this~~!
I have actually tried putting coconut as well as tea tree oil on my eyebrows and hair but I find that the coconut oil tends to weigh down my hair and i SHED the next day in the shower. My hair does come out nice and shiny but I cant just bare the hair loss anymore. I guess it's time to CONSUME the oil, and will definitely look into Emu oil though.
"Stop feeding the yeast, kill off the overgrowth,repopulate the gut with good flora." This makes alot of sense, the only problem I have is knowing what to do/take in each stage. How do I know I'm reading to move onto the next?
Today is day 2 of "healthy" eating. I went out and bought some things I read were helpful: Pau D Arco', Oil of Oregano, and grapeseed extract. I didn't want o get too crazy before I know what I'm really doing with this but I don't really know which supplements to buy to kill of the overgrowth.
Did you take Mycostat to kill off the overgrowth? If so, how long after dieting did you wait to start taking it? Also, how did you know it was working??
I guess you just have to realize that you have some digestive problems now. " I cant sleep. All I do is cry." This sounds like me if I eat too much meat and it doesnt digest that well. It makes me feel on edge and gives me insomnia and makes me feel really emotional. I say only eat meat in the morning and only a small amount (dont over-cook meat, but broths are very good for drinking), that way you don't have insomnia. This is good until you can tolerate more. Don't combine protein with starches (no meat with potatoes). I guess everyone's different. You have to see that all your bodily processes are connected. Your teeth, your eyes, your stomach. The healthier choices you make, the better you'll feel. Just listen to your body. A lot of people on here are all about doing enemas and colon cleansing. Ultimately I think food is healing and it might take you longer, but you need to learn how to eat right and only eat raw unpasteurized nuts like almonds, and eating plenty of good fats and a little bit of fruit if you can tolerate. Never eat too much of anything, just nibble at things. That way you won't freak out your body. Don't eat the same thing everyday, constnatly change things up.
The thing is, the thrush came about a couple of days after I stopped my Vegan diet. This no doubt leads me to believe this has to be connected. I am a strong believer that if you eat shit food, youll feel like shit, eat healthy, youll get the results you want. I am therefore totally committed to this, but don't really know how to go about doing it.
My diet prior (when Vegan) was naturally just mostly vegetables and nuts. Not much soy. Couldnt really tolerate soy milk. Never really ate bread or fried foods, never drank soda. The reason I stopped being Vegan is because I took a nutrition course over the summer, and while doing a diet analysis, i found that my calcium level was VERY low. I decided not to chance the consequences and decided to become vegetarian. I'm wondering now if I do this diet, if it's okay if I don't consume meat.
Also, what are supplements you recommend I take?
Thank you :)