Very good stuff, H - though I hold echinacea in higher regard than you apparently do. I do however agree that it is not something I would rely on by itself to try to beat cancer with, though I believe Unyquity when she states she has seen it work in many instances. I favor the mulitple direction approach which attempts to addres all facets of cancer, killing off or reverting cancer cells and preventing their return (which is to say preventing them from ever again regaining a foothold).
I know that you feel strongly that most cancer is viral in nature - but I think that it would be more accurate to say that most cancer has a viral element. The question is "which came first, the virus or the cancer". It may well be that the cancer viruses we see are the result of pleomorphic changes caused by the cancer process itself. I make the same observation to those who would contend that cancer if fungal in nature. Which came first, the fungus or the cancer? I do agree that once cancer has gained a foothold it then becomes viral in nature and spreads in great part due to the viral nature.
I also agree wholeheartedly that Moritz's idea of cancer being a survival mechanism of the body itself is bunk!
And I have to chuckle when I see you correctly observe that heating and alcohol extractions of herbs change the nature of the herb to something quite different in many instances than a "whole herb product" - though I am not dissing Unyquity, because I know from experience that she makes some wonderful extracts, tinctures and such.
If it weren't for an aqueous extraction method, we would not be able to have the wonderful benefits of oleander extract. And,similar to some other herbs, as noted by the American Botanical Council, sometimes the aqueous extraction method is superior for certain herbs. That is especially true for oleander because valuable non-polar compounds, such as the long-chain polysacharrides, precipitate out and are lost when an ethanol extraction method is used.
My post had nothing to do with "jumping all over you for recommending an herbal extract". It had to do with offering advise and correcting (what I know & perceive to be) a falsehood regarding the benefits of Echinacea.
What is false about the fact that echinacea is unstable? That is why I prefer myrrh. It has the same properties, but is consderably stronger and unlike echinacea it is stable. Echinacea has long been overhyped.
I know that leukemia/lymphoma is a long way from kidney cancer. I provided evidence that echinacea boosts the immune system, induces apoptosis, and causes inhibition of angiogenesis in HUMAN kidney cancer cells. Granted, this is in mice
Let's see, human kidney cancer cells implanted in the skin of mice, not inside the body. And from a study for a particular echinacea product, which means it was funded by the compnay manufacturing the product. So of course the study is going to be designed to make their product appear effective. Same way the pharmaceutical companies manipulate their studies to make their chemo drugs appear effective.
- but as we know there are very few legitimate studies on humans/herbs/cancer.
Actually there are a lot. I have already posted a number of them on these forums. The problem is that when people are in that old school mentality they tend to think that the only herbs that work are the traditional ones. So they ignore the lack of effectiveness and the safety issues of the herbs. And they don't look beyond these herbs to see what herbs have actually been found to work. For example, when was the last time you looked at the studies on chaga mushrooms? Andrographis? Jiaogulan? Sweet wormwood?......... The studies are there. You just have to look beyond the limitations of the old school herbs recommended by your gurus like Christopher.
The site/information you offered (saying echinacea is not effective against cancer) indicates there's no scientific evidence that echinacea can boost the immune system or fight cancer. Yet the scientific studies I provided links to DOES prove that echinacea fights cancer and boosts the immune system.
No, your studies did not prove that. Again, studies of human cancer cells in the skin of mice? Have you ever heard of a thing called the immune system? And have you ever heard of the term antigen? Human cells in the skin of a mouse are antigens to the mouse's immune system. Guess what the immune system does when exposed to antigens? Immune cells seek out and destroy the antigens. Same principle as when someone gets an organ transplant.. They have to go on anti-rejection drugs the rest of their life to prevent the immune system from destroying the antigenic tissue. And that is from the same species!!! So do you really think that a mouse's immune system is going to accept antigenic cells from a completely different species? Of course not!!! So who is to say the cancer cells were not destroyed by the mouse's immune system because the cells were antigenic, not because of the echinacea. Again this is why I don't trust studies of products funded by the company making the product. As we can see it is SO EASY to manipulate the results to get the outcome you wish!!! Worse yet there are people that don't have a clue as to how the testing process works that will buy right in to the manipulated results because it fits their needs.
For those reading that may be interested in learning, here's a fantastic expose (by an MD) detailing how 'herbal studies' are frequently/typically not valid and why...this one just happens to use studies regarding echinacea as a 'case in point':
Yes, the maipulation of studies can go both ways. That is why you can always find studies to fit one's needs. You just pick whichever of the contradictory studies that fits the bill. Trick is being able to understand how the study was designed so the results can be properly analyzed to see if they were manipulated for the positive or for the negative.
Undoubtedly, your views & mine conflict entirely on the use of isolated extracts - I deem a 'full herb' product is vastly superior
Yet you advocate teas and tinctures, which ARE NOT "full herb" products. That is why they are called EXTRACTS!!! Furthermore, as I explained to you in the past the heat and the alcohol alter the chemistry of herbs changing them in ways not found in nature. I asked you before where do you find naturally occuring tinctures and hot teas in nature. Of course I never got an answer because it would expose your hypocritical nature.
, and I know that a 'full herb' product is even more effective than the extracts used in clinical studies/trials.
How does destroying some of the herb's components with heat or alcohol make it more effective? That is a giant claim with microscopic evidence!
Be that as it may be, ::::sigh::: I did not 'jump all over you' regarding the topic of 'extracts', nor did I even mention it.
LOL!!! What do you think led to your getting upset over my proving you wrong and your banning me from your board for this reason? Go back and read your initial response to me so you can refresh your memory!
I apologize to the original poster (and everyone reading this), that Hveragerthi's & my variance of viewpoint (and past conflicts) seem to have impacted this thread negatively. My intent was to provide knowledge regarding an herb that has been used to boost the immune system to assist in the healing of cancer.
I never said echinacea cannot boost the immune system. Yes, it has immune stimulating polysaccharides. Point is that the herb is UNSTABLE. It QUICKLY loses potency with drying. And strong alcohols can denature the polysaccharides. Instead of wasting everyone's time arguing why don't you spend that time researching the chemistry and stability of the herb. This is why I NEVER use echinacea. If I want immune stimulating polysaccharides I can think of NUMEROUS sources for these from plant sources that are much cheaper, much more effective, and much more stable. Dulse, bladderwrack, wakeme, hiziki, myrrh, chagas, turkey tails, maitake, shiitake, reishi, agaricus, astragalus, suma, schisandra, birch, yeasts.................................................................................................................
...I am NOT going to be drawn into discussing all the "scientific mumbo jumbo" with you. I am FAR more interested in what it actually DOES that what "science" reports it does. I'll take empirical evidence over a "study" ANY day.
Translation: "I will believe what I want to believe regardless if there is no evidence to back it or even if the evidence disproves it, which is why I prefer to argue that to research the facts".
As several respected CZ posters & healers can attest, it clearly seems that anyone that doesn't interpret studies according to your liking is someone you've "proven wrong".
LOL!!! The people I have had problems with here are the ones that generally don't even rely on studies or anything known about science or medicine. Instead they make up their own science, and the ones that do try to follow the science only follow whatever studies sound like they may back their OPINION, rather than looking at all the studies to find the real FACTS!!!
Remember, the "scientific truths in medicine" that are accepted as "true" today will be disproven and/or substantially changed in future decades. In my opinion, anyone that "holds fast" to the scientific paradigms of their era...will likely go down with the ship.
Again that can go both ways. The studies you posted may not pan out when the studies are repeated PROPERLY and without conflict of interest.
Echinacea has been used for over a century safely and effectively by hundreds of healers and millions of people...and that's not only fresh plants, but teas & tinctures from dried roots.
See, you refuse to research the chemistry of the herb to understand its instability. You would rather argue because if you actually looked at the evidence you may not like what you find. By the way, many of those millions used the fresh root, or properly tinctured herb, and/or used it combined with other herbs that are more stable like the berberine herbs like goldenseal. So you can spend all day putting your little spin on your opinion, but you still cannot argue with the facts!!!
Except for the fact that the guy does not have a clue of what he is talking about. For example a quote from Andreas' Moritz book:
"By definition, a cancer cell is a normal, healthy cell that has undergone genetic mutation to the point that it can live in an anaerobic surrounding (an environment where oxygen is not available). In other words, if you deprive a group of cells of vital oxygen (their primary source of energy), some of them will die, but others will manage to alter their genetic software program and mutate in a most ingenious way: the cells will be able to live without oxygen and derive some of their energy needs from such things as cellular metabolic waste products."
First of all the definition of cancer goes way beyond an anaerobic cell. Cancer cells have a much different morphology that healthy cells. Here is a list of some of the differneces:
Pay special attention to the last part:
"It is possible that the high energy requirements of actively dividing cancer cells may result in the cell adapting anaerobic glycolysis as a supplement to normal aerobic respiration"
More evidence that cancer cells do not show complete anaerobic acitivty:
"Hela cells (also called Hela) are highly stable immortalised cancer cells widely used in scientific research. This cell line was isolated from a cancer of the cervix of Henrietta Lacks uterine who died of cancer in 1951."
Now read the quesiton and answer here:
A lot of this myth has to do with the misquoting of Otto Warburg who said that cancer cells will ferment rather than respirate REGARDLESS of whether or not oxygen is present. He NEVER claimed that cancer was caused from a lack of oxygen as many people claim he said.
As far as the claim that cancers will not lead to the death of the body, but rather that it is from a lack of nutrition, again this is false. Cancerous growths can kill the body through organ damage. Consider a brain tumor that basically crushes the brain. Or a cancer that causes a patient to bleed out. Or that causes so much damage to the liver that the liver fails.
Here is another ridiculous statement from his book:
"The body sees the cancer as being such an important defense mechanism that it even causes the growth of new blood vessels to guarantee the much-needed supply of glucose and, therefore, survival and spreading of the cancer cells."
The body is not stimulating the growth of those blood vessels. The tumor itself secretes those growth factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) so it can feed itself, just like a parasite. The tumor also secretes small amounts of angiogenesis inhibitors to suppress the growth of secondary tumors, survival f the fittest. This is why when the primary tumor is removed the secondary tumors start growing faster. The angiogenesis inhibitors have been removed.
"It is commonly believed that our immune system protects us against cancer. However, this is only partially true. On the one hand, the immune system readily destroys the millions of cancer cells that a healthy human body produces as part of the daily turnover of 30 billion cells. On the other hand, the immune system takes no action to eradicate cancer cells that develop in response to a build up of toxins, congestion and emotional stress."
More garbage. First of all the body does not produce cancer cells every day. Cancer cells have very little in common with healthy cells or even benign tumors. Cancer is generally defined as an uncontrolled growth of cells. So by definition if the immune system is controlling the excess cells then it is not cancer. Secondly, any overgrowth of cells is not cancer. A wart is an overgrowth, but it is benign.
And the immune system does not do a very good job of finding and destroying cancer cells because the cancer cells can hide from the immune system. Cancer cells use the same trick as the human fetus, which is a foreign protein to the mother's immune system due to the male DNA present. Both secrete human chorionic gonadotrophic hormone (HCG) as a shield to prevent detection from the immune system. The body is not aiding the cancer cells to help destroy itself.
Cancer is a disease, not a survival mechanism. If you do the research you will find that the vast majority of cancers are caused from viruses. I would put it at about 95%. In fact all of the so-called "hereditary" cancers, such as breast cancer, have been shown to be caused by viruses. No human oncogenes have ever been found that I have heard of. All of the oncogenes have been found to be viral. Other cancers can be from bacteria, fungi, parasites (extremely rare), radiation damage, and possibly carcinogens. Although I feel carcinogens are more growth promoters than causes. The body is not going to allow infection by viruses, or bacteria, of fungi, or parasites, or allow itself to be deliberately irradiated to produce cancer as a survival mechanism. That is totally ludicrous!!!!
You can see my response to Mortitz's latest book about cancer being a survival mechanism instead of a disease here:
I have to agree with Hveragerthi - what Moritz is saying is pretty much junk science. If cancer is a survival mechanism then nature surely did get it screwed up! Cancer is nature gone awry, a disease plain and simple. The novel idea of it being a survival mechanism may sell a lot of books, the same as Tullio Simoncinin's bogus claim that cancer is a fungus, Hulda Clark's mysterious flukes, and the fad book about all cancer being the result of past unresolved traumatic experiences, but it is not in my opinion a valid idea in any respect - other than perhaps one might correctly state that cancer is a defense mechanism on the part of cancer cells themselves, which seek to protect themselves from being destroyed by the natural immune system and in the process destroy the host.
The best cancer treatments are those that either destroy the cancer cells or else convert them back to normal cells so that they die a natural programmed cell death as well as addresses the root cause that enabled cancer to gain a foothold in the beginning to prevent its return. THAT is a survival formula for the host and death for the cancer, which sees the host only as an organism to invade and feed off of.
I like echinacea a lot and our friend Unyquity makes a wonderful echinacea tincture. Essiac tea is a mildly successful cancer fighter in it's own regard, but is a wonderful cleanser for the kidneys and rest of the body.
I also recommend that you read the "Oleander Series" at:
It may be that you can either obtain a supplement form of oleander or else find some oleander to make your own extract with (of course you must use caution and follow directions closely if you make your own, since oleander is quite toxic in raw form). Oleander is not only highly, highly effective against cancer, it also potentiates chemo treatment and either eliminates or greatly lessens all known side effects of chemo.
The amounts given should be adjusted for the body weight of the child - figuring that the listed doses are appropriate for a 150 to 180 pound adult.