hey norman,
First of all, I just want to tell you that i know what you're going through, and it's very frustrating. I'm 23 and my hair is beginning to thin. It really makes you think about aging and health and what is the best way to live.
This letter is long, but it's going to help you tremendously. So read all of it and pay attention. You seem pretty new to all this, so my advice to you is to EDUCATE yourself man, because that's exactly what it's going to take to be able to wisely wade though all the SHIT people are going to try and sell you for your hair loss. The fact is that it is estimated that about 50% of the population have hair loss and that they spend BILLIONS on remedies year after year. Pretend you're a businessman. Hair loss is a playground for businessmen! So arm yourself with education.
so where do you start?
believe me, i've read TONS of stuff and I could just sit here and rant, but it most likely wouldn't come out very cohesive-like. If you really want to, I might just organize everything I've ever read and researched into a huge research paper with works cited and everything. Let me tell you, it would be a huge paper and i don't have time to do that at this moment. But I really should do that for myself and for people like you.
But the best thing for you is to find it out for yourself NOW. A lot of my research was made possible because I am a student. And as a student, I have access through the library website to thousands of journals -- including... MEDICAL journals. I understand that you are a student also. Go and see if you have such access. Because you can listen to everybody's own routine in every chat room ever, but unless you know the REASONS behind a routine, you'll never know if you've made the best choice or not. And that will make you a quitter -- which by the way is probably one of the worst things you could possibly do -- try something and then quite after a mere TWO WEEKS just because you don't THINK it's working. It takes a good two months to tell anything.
but man if you're as dilligent as I am, you'll see just how far the rabbit hole goes.
for instance, I still don't know why exactly male pattern baldness affects only certain parts of the scalp. what is so unique about those areas?
here are some research topics for you.
1. Spencer Kobren. everyone should know about this man.
2. diet and hair loss. This is huge. there are so many factors.
a. neg. effects of hyrogenated oils, soybean oils, canola oils...
b. the negative effects of refined sugar
c. the negative effects of refined flour
d. the vitamins and minerals that...
block the formation of DHT
combat scalp inflammation
promote growth
promote blood circulation
you need to know what foods have these things and
also what hair products have these things.
3. hair loss and insulin resistance
4. hair loss and anthropology. why Asians, Latinos, Middle Eastern people have thicker, healthier hair and skin. why people of English and German descent have more hair loss.
5. hair loss and processed food. moreover, the relationship between processed food, heart conditions, diabetes, and hair loss.
6. processed food and the build up of toxins in the colon. [detoxification]. [liver cleanses].
7. the role of antioxidants in the aging process. mitochondria.
8. Finpecia [generic Propecia from Cipla. it's cheaper].
9. osteopathic doctors. This is a doctor that not only addresses the SYMPTOMS, but the WHOLE PERSON. a holistic doctor. Joseph Mercola is an Osteopath. he has a great website:
I should have put this one first, because you'll get the idea that if you REALLY want to change something about your body, you have to address the ENTIRE body.
10. coping with hair loss if all else fails. Look man, as far as getting a girl, they seriously do not think the same as guys. For guys its all looks. With girls, this is not necessarily so. Any girl will tell you they'd rather have a confident, funny, even cocky average guy [even with thinning hair] than an insecure, self-doubting male model. this guy's got some really good insights into dating.
just some closing remarks.
most of the STUFF you're going to run into [shampoos, hair tonics, pills, and even LASER COMBS! and other remedies I'm not even going to repeat] are all trying to do any combination of four things:
1. block the formation of DHT [and androgen receptors].
2. promote scalp circulation
3. promote hair growth via protein, biotin, MSM etc.
4. decrease scalp inflammation.
there is a vast pool of ingredients that may accomplish these things. The products out there tend to use the some of the same ingredients. [I dare you to find a hair tonic that does NOT have saw palmetto in it.] Price and the number/quality of ingredients will be your restraints.
but remember this. I don't think it's worth a damn unless you're willing to overhaul the way you eat and live. Chances are if you're white, your ancestors have been eating way too much flours and sugars instead of vegetables and fish like the Asians. Your genes are programmed to follow suit. It's up to you to make up for your fathers' shortcomings with diet. Look into the Okinawans. It has been observed that great grandfathers practice martial arts. Great grandmothers work dilligently in their gardens. They age PHENOMENALLY well. Why? Diet. Why do you think Asians begin to lose their hair when they come over here and eat Western diets?
well, there's my lengthy rant. I'm just telling you how it is. And the way to stopping hair loss is going to require a lot on your part. But the thing about that is, you'll learn a TON about how to age well, and if nothing else, you will become healthier and live better. And isn't that what really matters?