I started losing my hair when I was 17. By the time I was 21 I was very thin. I have been bald on the crown since about 24, and I am now 44. My hair is now starting to slowly grow back. This started about a year ago, and it is mostly on the crown.
A few years ago I bought Dr. Clark's book "
The Cure For All Diseases " to help me with parasites. What I learned in that book and elsewhere has changed my life forever. Here is what I did (it may or may not have anything to do with hair growth):
First I read the book. Acutally I started reading those parts that I was interested in first. I also started taking probiotics, vitamin C, digestive enzymes, and a fiber drink every morning to keep regular. Also I started to eating more raw foods in my diet, at least 50%.
Next I did a
parasite cleanse. I was using pumpkin seeds before this, and they helped a quite a lot.
Next I did 2 liver cleanse about 4 weeks apart. I continue doing these 2 or 3 times per year.
Then I noticed something on page 126 when I was reading up on the prostate. Dr. Clark tells how your skin fat can store nickel in it and how your skins oils can be loaded with nickel causing skin allergies and male pattern baldness. She goes on talking about how we should not use metal utensils, jewelry, cookware, etc.
She also explains that stainless steel is about 8% nickel.
My concern was to keep a healthy prostate. But hey, if I grow new hair it's a plus right? So here is what I did next:
1. I stopped using metal utensils for every day eating and cooking. I only use plastic forks, spoons, and knives. Of course I use metal for guests so they don't freak out. Also, I have stopped using commercial toothpastes, soaps and deoderants. I wash my clothes with Borax only now. I brush teeth with Tom's Natural toothpaste. I buy hand and shower soaps made by Now Foods, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps, and Natures Gate. Actually my whole family does this. I am amazed at how much better these products work too. Not using deoderants is easier than I thought, I may have to wash underamrs 2 or 3 times in the shower to get rid of the bacteria is all (read about what Dr. Clark has to say about this).
2. I try not to cook in metal pots and pans, especially if there is an acid in the dish (vinegar, tomatoes, etc.). Enameled pots for cooktoop and pryex for baking. This is easy to do if you eat more raw foods. I also took off my watch since the back of it was metal, I carry my
Cell Phone with me and it has the time on it.
I stopped wearing earings as well (old rocker). Idea here is no metal in contact with my skin or consumed. This can be very hard to avoid.
3. Started taking Pumpkin Seed Oil by Now Foods per label directions ( find it at nowcatalog.com ). This is mostly for the prosate health and for help knocking out parasites.
4. Started adding more flaxseed to my diet. Ground flaxseed is great on salads. I also take FiberSmart by Renew Life which is a great tasting flax fiber. I have also mixed a flaxseed podwer in with Herbal Fiberblend by Aim.
5. I have taken L-hystadine 500mg once per day. I run out and forget to reorder this all of the time, so I am not regular with it.
That's pretty much it. My opinion is that my hair loss was from metal polluting my body. Back in the 70's I used to wear some of that really cheap jewelry. I remember my neck and wrists turning green from that crap. I would scrub is off and put the junk back on again too.
These hairs are growing pretty good and are slowly filling in the crown. Understand that there was NO hair there a year ago. I mow em down when I see them sticking up in the air about 1/2 and inch.
I think for me the most help comes from the pumpkin seed oil and avoiding metal.
Hope this helps. Sorry for the long post.
Think about getting that book too. Curezone should still have links to it somewhere.