I like coconut oil internally, but won't use it on my skin. Starting with the skin, coconut oil is a surfactant. In simple terms it acts like soap. And it can strip the natural oil coating off of the skin actually causing the skin to dry out. And yes, there will be people that will argue that point as well. For the skin I prefer fatty oils (yes, I know that sounds redundant) that penetrate well. My two favorites are walnut oil and avocado oil.
Internally coconut oil is great for the thyroid, which is probably in large part due to the iodine content. The beneficial effects on the thyroid also account for the majority of its cholesterol lowering properties. Other oils, especially olive oil, lower cholesterol due to their high sterol content, which binds and removes cholesterol. Coconut oil does have sterols, but only in trace levels.
The fatty acid content also gives it some medicinal properties. In particular the ability to destroy viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
The thyroid plays a role in the metabolizing of cholesterol. So if the iodine strengthens the thyroid then this could help lower cholesterol. On the other hand there are many causes of hypothyroidism, and iodine will not always work for treating hypothyroidism.
If your cholesterol is high in the first place this is a good indicator for an improperly functioning liver. The liver is the body's cholesterol regulator. When cholesterol is low the liver synthesizes cholesterol. When it is too high the liver should break down excess cholesterol. Therefore, if your cholesterol level is high then I recommend bitters and lecithin granules to lower the cholesterol.
As for coconut oil for general health. I recommend 1 to 2 tablespoons 3 times daily with meals of the cold pressed, which is the virgin oil.
A few other notes on cholesterol. Low cholesterol can cause dementia, depression, and actually greatly increases the rick of heart attack and stroke.
And it is not high cholesterol that causes heart disease, it is inflammation. The cholesterol merely tries to heal the inflamed area.
In my opinion killing Candida is not the way to go. Letting the immune system control it like it should is a better choice. But the coconut oil still offers many other benefits to the body.
I've been on lugol's for almost a year and have really not noticed any difference, good or bad.
As to cholesterol, I believe it's a non issue, rather hype to sell drugs.
I also use the same oils and have also increased intake of coconut oil and coconut creme [which is 70% oil]. Haven't noticed much there either but I'm sticking with it for now.
Keep in mind that there are MANY reasons for low thyroid. So iodine will not always help, and coconut oil will not always help. It all boils down to the cause of a particular person's hypothyroidism. The most common cause in women is unopposed estrogen from menopause.
I was on high dose iodine 'lugols' for several months, it did not help my hypothyroidism.
I also use coconut oil, although i don't know how much it has help my thyroid, but i like it because you can cook with it at high temperatures without danger of transfats. I only use coconut oil, butter or olive oil.
Maca is the only thing that has imcreased my temps and i think a green powder is helping too. My hypo started with the menopause, so maybe caused by unbalanced hormones in my case.
This is very likely. Hypothyroidism is very common after menopause as high levels of unopposed estrogen from the body and from estrogen replacement therapy will suppress thyroid function.
I tried doing a home cholesterol test, but couldn't get enough blood from finger to fill the resevoir, so still don't know what my cholesterol is doing.
It would be interesting to see if mine is high.
Cholesterol testing is not very accurate to begin with, but finger sticks for cholesterol tests are even less accurate. Make sure that you are relaxed for 15 to 20 minutes before taking the blood sample, and never drink coffee before this or any other lab test.