Let's say, a naturopathic doctor, ND tells his patient J.D. to do a liver fush.
And, J.D., following his doctor recommendation, attempts a liver flush.
And, the worst thing happens.
There are 3 bad things that can go wrong if J.D. has gallstones, and if those
Gallstones are of a size similar to the size of his bile ducts:
1. A gallstone may stuck inside cystic duct, causing a lot of pain, and J.D. may opt for emergency surgery.
2. A gallstone may exit through the cystic duct, but stuck inside the common bile duct, causing acute pancreatitis, and severe symptoms.
Acute pancreatitis must be treated with
Water Fast (no food is allowed, until stone passes out by itself or a medical procedure may be needed.)
3. An exteremely special, calcified gallstone, with sharp and dangerous edges, my pass through the ducts into intestines, and may cause injury, bleeding, and in a worst case a need for medical help. ( Unlikely but even the most unlikely events may occure sometimes. )
1 or 2 or 3 ... in each one of those cases J.D. may consider the naturopathic doctor responsible, and may bring him to court, asking for $$$$$$.
Why would a naturopathic doctor risk $$$$$$ for making nothing, when he can make $$$$ selling vitamins, herbs, etc?
Do you think that naturopathic doctors are stupid?
What is a logic in risking $$$$$$, when a profit is $0 ?
Read more about risks associated with
Gallstones on this page:
From that page:
How many people with symptomatic
Gallstones got worse after liver flushing?
4 of 131 = 3% Source:
How many people with symptomatic gallstones got no improvement after liver flushing?
6 of 104 = 6% Source:
How many people with symptomatic gallstones experienced SERIOUS case of acute pancreatitis after liver flushing?
1 of 141 = 1% Source:
But, that person have not selected that he/she regretted liver flushing!
How many people with symptomatic gallstones experienced MILD case of acute pancreatitis after liver flushing?
5 of 147 = 3% Source:
One of them regretted liver flushing!
How many people with symptomatic gallstones experienced STRONG gallbladder attack during a liver flush?
1 of 141 = 1% Source:
But, that person have not selected that he/she regretted liver flushing!
How many people with symptomatic gallstones experienced MEDIUM strong gallbladder attack during a liver flush?
18 of 147 = 12% Source:
One of them regretted liver flushing!
How many people with symptomatic gallstones experienced MILD gallbladder attack during a liver flush?
11 of 147 = 7% Source:
One of them regretted liver flushing!
White Shark