Hvergerthi, I hope you are kidding! I have only heard of such advice from the pharmaceutical industry!
Everyone knows calcium is an essential mineral and anyone with a little knowledge about mineral ratios knows that calcium and magnesium work hand in hand at a 2:1 ratio ! I think you should read these posts a little closer, ascorbic acid is ascorbate acid its not an ascorbate or buffered with anything!
I hope no one takes this harmful advice seriously!
Once again its obvious you are clueless to the the electromagnetic properties of minerals-Justdumb
You must really have a masochistic streak to want to make yourself look so stupid all the time!!! So what form of electromagnetic radiation do calcium and magnesium have? Radio waves? Microwaves? Infrared? Visible light? Ultraviolet? X-rays? Gamma-rays? Those are the only forms of electromagnetic radiation. So which one is it? I am sure a lot of people are dying to hear your answer and even more waiting for you to try and provide proof of your ridiculous claim!
and know nothing about how magnesium and calcium work together,
Actually I know more about calcium and magneisum than you could hope to learn in your lifetime.
which by the way are both essential minerals! Do you know what essential means???
Yes, and this does not mean safe. Water is essential, yet too much can kill you. Oxygen is essential, yet too much can kill you. And yes, calcium and magnesium are essential, but just like water or oxygen, too much can kill you dead. Do you know what dead means?
Yes you caught me on a typo
No, a typo is a missed letter or two, What you did was to make an error because you did not know the difference between ascorbic acid and ascorbate.
I know damn well the difference between ascorbic and ascorbate but at least I am not passing out dangerous advice!
ROTFLMAO!!!! You promote the rantings of a quack!!!! And you do not even understand what you are promoting. Like claiming that calcium and magnesium have electromagnetic energies when you have already been corrected on this in the past!!! In fact everything you have claimed has been disproven over, and over, and over...... Yet you still continue to make the same bogus claims and refuse to provide any evidence to your claims because you known they are bogus!!!
But at any rate the posters reply proves you to be wrong,,,,, he is taking magnesium and not taking any calcium the exact opposite of what you tried to project!
ROTFLMAO!!!!!! If he is taking magnesium and not calcium like you just said then he is doing exactly what I was implying!!! You really are a trip Justdumb!!!! Go back and read my post to him. I mentioned his symptoms could be from TOO MUCH CALCIUM and A LACK OF MAGNESIUM, which because the calcium is a muscle contractor can lead to the muscle twitching and arrhythmias. Gee, so how would someone treat a problem of too much calcium and a lack of magnesium? Oh, that's right, they would eliminate the calcium and increase their magnesium. Could tis be so simple?!!! You bet!!!!
I don't care really about who is right or wrong here ,whats important is that people are not getting unhealthy or deceptive misinformation !
So quit posting your bogus claims and stop promoting that quack that has been disproven so many times. Tis that simple!!!
I would stay with the citrate, I prefer an organic acid to go along with an inorganic base!
Finally something we agree on. Citric acid is one of those benefical acids to the body that I have been mentioning. Both citric acid and malic acid, used to make magnesium malate, are used to generate ATP, the fuel for our cells.
The vitamin c i'm using from trader joes only has ascobic acid listed as an ingredient. Not sure how great the quality is. (can someone recommend a good quality. I was looking at the vitamin c foundation brand.)
Ascorbic acid is ascorbic acid. They are all formed from sugars, and all of these synthetics are extremely unstable. There are only a couple of manufacturers and these are sold to raw material suppliers who then private label the same exact product. So there is basically no difference between brands. The only differences would be added bioflavonoids, or buffering to make different ascorbates. The best C is from natural sources, which are not only stronger, but also more stable. The best foods sources are watercress, kiwis, papaya, and berries. he best herbal sources are amla berry, acerola cherry and sea buckthorn.