1. You shall not have any other Moderators before me.
2. You shall not make for yourself another protocol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
You shall not bow to or follow another; for I the Moderator of your Forum am a jealous Moderator, punishing participants for their iniquity, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me, but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.
3. You shall not make wrongful use of the my protocol, for I The Moreless will not acquit anyone who misuses my protocol.
4. Remember the refractometer and keep it holy.
For six days you shall labour in the garden in order to produce high brix foods.
But the seventh day is a testimonial day to my forum; you shall not do anything but tell your successful testimony —you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns.
For in six days I The Moreless made the forum, the protocol, and all that is in them, but refractometered the produce the seventh day; therefore I The Moreless blessed the refractometer day and consecrated it.
5. Honor Me The Moreless, JustinL, LD Di, Refreshed, #53126, #20928, and my other followers, so that your days may be long in the forum that I The Morelessis freely giving you.
6. You shall not consume NPN.
7. You shall not skip your alkalizing bath.
8. You shall not use the forum for social networking or for promotion of any product, unless it be pickling lime, blackstrap molasses, or a high quality kelp.
9. You shall not bear false witness against me The Moreless.
10. You shall not covet my successful testimonies; you shall not covet my superior knowledge that God has personally came down and delivered to me, ormy forum slaves, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to me The Moreless.The blessings of duality... (or possible the curse)
That which some see as darkness (evil) attacking the light....
In reality is but the Masters Potters plan of duality...
For out of this seemingly "darkness" comes forth the truth of our own "darkness"
Which when understood - is a BLESSING to the light.
The nature of the spiritual law of "cause and effect"
quite mysterious - but we can see it unfolding even within this thread...
My step father (#2) who caused much mental damage to my older Brother and I as children - a few years before his physical death he shared with me in great remorse. I seen now that my greatest enemy through my life was myself.
He understood through a lifetime of experiences - only at the end of his life the principle of " cause and effect"
Looking Back at his childhood - the pieces he shared with me which stand out. He didn't speak of the great depression - but he did share as a child that at the dinner table he reached for something before his father had given permission and his father drove a fork through his hand... And he never spoke about his mother... Thus the picture painted in my mind what a woman who was held slave by her husband - living such fear as not to be able to defend her own children... but that is speculation...
My step dad #2 was very good at defending himself - quick to fight.. IE he had learned from childhood how to survive in this world based on his childhood experiences... And lived this reality - the programming of experiences for most of his life...
Only into old age when his body became feeble - and he was all alone - did he reflect inward - and to see how he has directed his energies - lived his life - and the effect there of... the cause and effect of his choices in life....
This then he shared with me -- I know now that i am my own worse enemy....
Would it not be prudent - to do some reflection?