Hi Loosie,
This makes me wonder if it is the expected low blood pressure that makes us so much weaker in a fast, not the absense of having other fuel to burn. I have been contemplating why we aren't stronger in times where our bodies are burning an unlimited supply of it's own fat as fuel.
"It never occurred to me that it could be the source of fuel that causes the weakness. I have always assumed it was the lower blood pressure/slowing metabolism."
Interesting that i missed this. i had always viewed it as an absense of carbs issue, but you have reformed me. :).
Hi Sara,
I am not an expert on this by any means, but i believe blood pressure loss in a water fast is progressive. 24 hours will not bring your bp down to what it will be in 48, and 48 will not bring it to the 72 hour level. I have to believe at some point it levels off though, perhaps at day 3 or 4. BP getting quite low deep into a water fast is quite normal as it is very much a part of the package. But i am hereby calling out for expert feedback :).
Hi Sara,
"I have been asking all around and everyone here said I was in danger. But heck, the docs here are dumber than dirt."
haha :). well even if a physician is brilliant in other areas, if he doesn't know about water fasting and it's effects, he may not be of much help. I bet chrisb1 has good information about normal and average blood pressure readings deep into a fast... as well as the level at which it becomes dangerous. I haven't come across this in my research or i would be happy to paste it in.