As I was reading this, Tony looked over my shoulder and said something very interesting. Has anyone considered that the zit may, in fact, be a spider bite? Depending on the spider, this could be a problem, if this in fact should be the source.
Try giving him lots of colloidal silver. Normally, I would recommend Curezone Sponsor Utopia Silver, but because of the urgent nature, go to a health food store and use what they have. You may want to order colloidal silver from Utopia Silver, as theirs is pure colloidal silver of the highest quality. Call them to receive the first time customer special offer and after that you can use Code LR001 for a 15% discount. If there should be any type of infection, this should get rid of it. You can take as much as you want and has no side effects, as opposed to antibiotics. Also, colloidal silver kills germs that are resistant to antibiotics.
I hope you brother feels better and I wish you the very best.
The zit is worrisome, though it does not seem to jive with the other symptoms. At any rate, I would think that colloidal silver can only help (and I would take about 4 ounces to begin with and a couple or more at a time after that) - maybe gargle before swallowing if there is any throat irritation/inflammation.
How do you talk to people like this? You could perhaps try to get them to read a couple of my articles: Modern Medicine: How Healing Illness became Managing Illness And you might remind them that the science of today is often the quackery of tomorrow and ask them exactly when did God and Nature become quacks. At any point in history most people believe that the science and common beliefs are the ultimate truth and that all that came before was backwards and wrong, without stopping to think that one day their science and beliefs will likely be relegated to past and also considered outdated and disproven. For centuries man believed that the world was flat and the sun revolved around it. God and nature remain true - despite man's pathetic attempts to corrupt and surpass them. And tell those would-be researchers to come join us here at CureZone with open minds and eyes (and stay out of the damned debate forums! - lol)