There is no one way to cleanse but there are some rules of thumb. If you have never cleansed before, it is better to do one protocol at a time, so you can learn what works for you. Also, doing too much at one time (learned this lesson the hard way - I'm not a patient person) can be hard on your liver and your overall health. I would do the
Colon Cleanse first, then start the ACV. Also, if you ever had a reaction to anything, if you are doing several things at once, you will not know what the problem is and sometimes people give up on cleansing that way too.
Think: it's a journey and committ to a gradual long haul, not a sprint.
With all that said, usually the recommended order is a colon cleanse, then a
parasite cleanse, then liver cleanse/flush. Now you do not have to do in this order, but it is always great to start with a
Colon Cleanse as it cleanses you so that other toxins can more effectively leave the body afterwards.
Some other great things to try: body brushing, coconut oil, and probiotics after your colon cleanse.
Happy cleansing!