I have experience in this matter. You asked,
if I use MMS to reduce mercury in my system, do the fillings keep pouring it in?
And the answer is, YES. If you take anything to chelate the mercury, it may etch the mercury from your fillings. This can and has stopped people's hearts due to the sudden rush of mercury in the blood. In addition, no matter what the chelator is, it is doubtful that you can ever outpace the flood of mercury from your teeth. At the very least, it's like trying to swim against the tide, or paddling upstream in a canoe. The number one source of the average american's mercury burden is their mercury fillings. I didn't start feeling better until I had mine removed. It didn't matter what I took or what I did. You also asked,
would it be better to have the teeth removed and just have dentures?
And the answer would be, it depends upon your age and the condition of your teeth. Drilling out mercury can give you an additonal mercury exposure depending upon who does it and how well they protect you from the additional mercury outgassing due to drilling out the mercury. If you doubt this, see Then there is the fact that up to 50% of teeth that are replaced with plastic composite are lost anyway. I didn't lose any. But I was praying :-) The cost can be rediculous. But if you're indisposed, you could find a clinic that does things on a sliding fee scale. That might help. Many dentists require documentation and/or a doctor's note to remove mercury fillings in some states. If so, you can get a hair test and have a qualified toxicologist write a note stating that you need metal chelation and that because chelators etch the mercury right from fillings, they must be replaced before safe chelation can be done. This avoids the argument regarding mercury fillings being safe and firm and secure, as they are wont to keep telling you.. over and over again.
For lots more practical information on the kind of questions you're asking, go google and contact the group, "Dental AMalgam Syndrome" or "DAMS" and ask for an information kit.
MMS uses a stabilized form of oxygen. Oxygen can combine with Mercury but it only creates a toxic chemical that soon breaks apart anyway. I would NOT reccomend MMS for mercury chelation. I would reccomend gentler methods that specifically chelate ONLY mercury, lead and arsenic such as Modified Citrus Pectin. See It is important to understand that when you pull metal, and you have a mercury burden, it can make you a great deal sicker because you almost certainly have both mineral starvation for some minerals and mineral poisoning for other minerals because of the mercury burden.
Alternately, I would suggest contacting Dr Janet Starr Hull, a qualified toxicologist who works with people with mercury burdens. She does so over the internet as well :-) She has a valid approach using green clay, the same type of clay that the inventor of MMS suggests for things that MMS does not work with.
After removing my mercury burden, I found MMS to work wonders for the bacteria and other things that people with metal burdens often accumulate because their systems are weakened. Even a small mercury burden can cause severe metal transport deragement. Which means you accumulate many things, And those things are often toxic. And also not having enough of things you really need. Removing the mercury will remove the rest of the metal. It's like a logjam. After that, you have to start healing everything. That's how it was for me.
Finding a cooperating dentist is hard. I had to make hundreds of phone calls and basically say, "help me, it's killing me." Having a hair test showing toxic levels of several metals helped. I dont know what to say, until you stop being mercury poiseoned, chances are nothing you do will work. I would suggest taking a Selenium Citrate suplement to help reduce the damage of the mercury.
Praying for you,
Keith O