I am writing in response to your query about trying for a baby with Psoriatic Arthiritis.
I am 28 years old and was diagnosed almost 5 years ago as having Psoriatic Arthiritis, when my youngest child was about 8 months old. I was taking methotrexate, but had stopped due to bouts of recurrent illnesses, and did a pregnancy test just before I was about to recommence the treatment, that test was positive. I was evidently cocerned as to the effects that the methotrexate in my system may have caused to my baby, but also delighted at the prospect of becoming a mummy again!!
I am now thirteen weeks pregnant and whilst I am excited about being a mum again, I can't help but wish I had not become pregnant :( I am experiencing pain on a level beyond my pain threshold, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.... PA treatments are too dangerous for a developing fetus, as are most forms of pain relief, apart from paracetamol. And paracetamol makes no moticable difference to the pain I am feeling. This has caused me to become very depressed, I am unable to enjoy time with my other 2 children and I am concerned how I will cope with a newborn. I am currently spending all of my time in bed and I am constantly asking myself if it is fair to bring a baby into the world when my body is in such a state.... This may sound very harsh, but consider this... If you were to become pregnant could you cope without the pain relief and other treatment you are currently recievieving?? If not, are you aware of the consequences the meds can have on your unborn child?
I though I could cope with this pregnancy, but I am increasingly discovering how wrong I was...I am not taking pain relief or other treatment because I want my baby to have the best possible start in life, but I am really suffering as a consequence.
I don't mean to be so negative, but if I had known how awful I would feel, I would never have become pregnant.