to do
parasites cleanse, all you need is 3 herbs:
Black-Walnut ,
Wormwood and cloves.
Hulda Clark also recommends using Zapper together with herbs. Zapper makes herbal remedies more potent.
If you click on DrClark link, and then on
parasites cleanse, you will find all the details you need. You should read all about cleansing on DrClark pages.
You will also have to decide what product to get because there are hundreds of different versons of Hulda's cleanse sold.
I did my first
parasites cleanse 4 years ago. Since then, I have tried many different ones (I do the cleanse every few months), and last 2 years I'v been using
Clarkia . It is cheaper but still stronger then most of the other products.
Clarkia is a tincture that you take 10 drops 3 -5 times a day.
So, that is the answer to your question:
Intructions to do the
parasite Cleanse ? You take 10 drops 3 - 5 times a day, and you look for parasites in you BM.
When you start, you can take 3 drops 3 times a day and then gradually increase the dosage.