yes, God is the only perfect mirror, and the rest are co-creators
i'm in complete agreement with Mo
associating with certain people will make and keep you sick
there are times when you must cleanse your associates
the ones that get angry and resentful when I tell them the truth if they ask
have to go
if I am required to compromise my integrity in order to extend myself in ways that are meaningful to others, i'd rather not be in that relationship
as a soldier of truth, the golden rule is what gets me in trouble
i want people to tell me the truth and reveal my blind spots, even if it hasn't occurred to me to ask yet
most folks seem to hate this
seeking like minded friends by treating others the way i wish to be treated quickly turned me into a hermit
you once said something to the effect that you think learning when to keep your mouth shut may be the most important thing a person can do
it most definitely is for me
i have gone to many silent retreats to comtemplate this
the less i say, the more it seems like i can say almost nothing right
heavy sigh