hey, it was dade frickin county, for cryin out loud.
let me put it to you this way. they tried to bust me as i was bagging up a pound of jamaican. i literally walked from the bust, like jesus through the crowd trying to stone him. they were incredible idiots.
the story also has a prologue which happens 20 years later where i literally see what i would have been if i had not walked into my first sargents office two days later to avoid being awol on top of everything.
btw, i got nonjudicial punishment and lost a stripe. thats it. did 3 more years, highest honors, highest level of achievement in my job, honorable discharge and recommendation for retention. we would all be subatomic particles if i had not protected us during the cold war. :) the carter administration was a tough one on the military. i thought reagan was our saviour at the time but see now that jimmy was too good to be president. i hope he drops some dimes before his time comes, even though its a little late. or, maybe not!!???