Hi Van
I too am on day 14 of the MC. I don't know about the different colours you are getting or about what happens with weight after you complete a cleanse. This is my first one. However, I have basically had the runs since the beginning - after the first three days or so of just dumping everything.
So I was very surprised last night when I started passing "ropes" - about 4" worth, nearly two weeks into my fast. I had passed a small length 4-6" about four-five days ago. Again this morning, I had more of them. About 10". It is quite a shock, as you would relate to, to see something solid coming out at this stage after all those fluid trips to the toilet. It's taken alot to move those along, I thought. My body needed the time.
The other interesting thing for me to discover, was that there were long thread-like worms wrapped around them. I guess that there is not much else for them to eat in there and so they are now congregating on my ropes.
I have not began a proper
parasite cleanse. The tincture made me very sick straight away and left me with nausea and a headace for the rest of the day that I took it. So I am going to take the zapper route instead.
Some of the things I am telling myself at this stage of the game, to keep myself motivated are:
The pink tongue is the goal - the white tongue is my body's clear signal to me that it is hard at work - doing it's de-tox thing. I may not have had until yesterday, the same sorts of things that others talk about, but my physiology or should I say symptomology has hardly ever matched up with any sort of norm anyway. I am grateful that my tongue does do it's communication thing in that regard, because the rest of my system doesn't always follow a norm.
I think about cleaning on a cellular level alot. It IS gratifying to get those ropes and anything "tangible" OUT. However, toxins dumped from my cells are not going to be big and ropey. They will come out unnoticed with all the waste products. The target is not just a clean gut for me.
My reading tells me that the longer I fast - the deeper the cleanse. As the pressure comes off the digestive tract etc the body has the energy and the equipment to clean other parts and does so. These cleanses are not necessarily going to be reflected in interesting BM's, but are sure to affect my long term health.
I have seen my body heal external damage - cuts, bruises etc. With cuts you clean the wound and do not reopen them. Bruises, you do not keep bumping them.
At the moment, for me, I feel my body is in a vicious cycle, unable to heal, because the food I consume, at the moment, constitutes a "bump" to my system - sufficient to keep it in a state of illness.
I understand that by fasting I am creating an environment for my body to heal internal damage. I know by how my body behaves that I have internal "damage". I trust my body to engage it's own internal healing processes in the same way I have seen it do externally, if I enable it to do so.
I am willing and committed to giving it time to heal in this way.In doing so, I hope to create an internal environment that enables my body to continue to heal after the MC. Where food is no longer a stressor, but part of the healing process - feeding and nurturing my body into even better health.
I wish you well on your journey.