Go ahead and print this one!!!!!
Before I got it out, my husband and I became more like roommates than husband and wife. Everything I said came out rude and bitchy. I was even rude to him in front of one of my customers, and I felt bad afterwards, but at the time, I didn't care. That normally isn't me at all. When dealing with a customer, or anyone for that matter, we are very professional and courtious. But during this crazy time with Mirena, I didn't give a crap what I said and to who I said it.
Also, our sex life was gone altogether. I know he still wanted it, but I could care less. I didn't have one sexy bone in my body. When we did do it, it was so I could shut him up for a while.
Thank God he was supportive throughout this whole ordeal. I only went to work and home. I had basically stopped living a life. I didn't want to go anywhere. I would come home from work and go straight to my bedroom. Everyday. My hair was falling out in clumps. I had anxiety big time.
Depression did not help either. I really got depressed because there wasn't one doctor who would confirm that the Mirena could be causing this. In fact, they wanted to put me on anti depressants, and up until that day, I hadn't been depressed. I lost about 15 lbs, but it wasn't a good thing. I'm only 125 lbs to begin with, so I was looking sickly skinny. My face lost color, in fact in some pictures, my face looked grey!!!!
Once I got the Mirena removed, life is starting to get back to normal. It wasn't an instant fix, but that very day of removal, my back ache went away. Now I'm 5 1/2 months post removal, and I'm 90% back to normal. I still get side effects right before, during, and a couple days after my period, but I can deal with that no problem, and now 6 periods later, the side effects are very minimal. In fact, I only had a teensy bit of anxiety with this last one, and nothing else.
Good luck!!! We're all here for you!!!
Bradenton, Florida