Hi Steve,
I have been in exactly your position after two of the early flushes of the eight I have done. I had one attack in the middle of the second day after a flush after eating a large salad sandwich with two large slices of rye bread and the other was at night, 24 hours after a flush, after eating a large salad with a small helping of wholemeal pasta. After doing lots of reading around, the conclusion I have come to is that I ate too much, too soon following these two flushes.
Apparently the gall bladder produces around 2 cups of bile in a day (I read that on this site). This is my theory as it applies to me (which may or may not be correct or helpful to you, but it works for me): if I have done a very effective flush and my gb has pushed out everything it's got then I've left myself with very little bile to deal with what I'm eating following a flush, the gb needs time to build up a supply again. So in order to avoid an attack I don't eat anything at least until lunchtime on the day following a flush, then I would strictly limit myself to soup (broth), juice, water and herbal tea until the next day. Then for at least another day I would strictly limit the quantity of food that I eat at any one time.
It may just be that your gb did not have time to produce enough bile to deal with the quantity of food that you were eating so soon after a flush.