I find it so troublesome to see so many cures on the forums and being poor it was so hard for me to pick. I found more stress on trying to find one person to trust and to pick the correct diet. I talked to many and found all had good advice but most was out of my budget and some were bent on me following their regime or dropping me totally. Can you imagine how I felt, being diagnosed with MS and early onset dementia and people refusing to help me if I did not follow their forum. Having MS I was suppose to get rid of all stressful people so I did that and that caused me incredible stress. People could not understand that I was fighting for my life and even though they thought THEY were important, I had to decide that I was more important.
Then there was the cost involved. I just could not afford many cures and quite frankly some of the people on the forum offered to help me but I was too ashamed to ask for help so I was determined I could find a cure. I had made some friends on the forum and they all one by one went away. YOu see we all have our sickness. I had to realize that I had to do this on my own. So how could I cure my illness on little money. First, I experimented with many ideals and suggestions from many. I found that the best route was the no phar route and as Trapper said, "That was the first sign of a real genius." So I tried the Moreless plan and decided I did not like his alkaline drink due to the fact I could not get the lime water. I tried some of Tony's ideals but they were extremely expensive. Luella sent me five pages of things I needed. By the way I love Luella. Not a hurt thing to say but the truth and it just was out of my reach. I tried the many diets that the MS recommend section stated but in the end I came back to the basics.
1. Budwig diet - no flax oil, flax seeds. Flax seeds are very cheap.
2. No cottage cheese, yogurt drained.
3. Invested in a cheap juicer but recently invested in a better one.
4. Lots of fresh juice and vegetable juices.
5. Soups, tons of soups.
6. Food herbs, such as ginger, grape seeds, fennel and tummeric.
7. Blood clearing for pain, vinegar, honey and cayenne.
8. did
Colon Cleanse with watermellon. (3 days)
9. Ate tons of pumpkin seeds and drank alot of pumpkin juice for parasites.
10. Use dates and black seed for
parasite clease also.
11. Stayed away from all unnatural things.
I recently took a brain test and my grade was 38 years and I am 55 years old. I was thrilled. My self administered cure was working. Trapper said, "Maybe you arn't as sick as you thought, you have hope." I was sick and horrible sick before. So sick I could not talk, think or get out of bed. I was reading my Quran today and thinking about the economy and being poor. YOu can cure yourself with simple diet changes. Such as no white flour, sugar, breads, pastas. Cut out coffee and black teas. Lie in the sun everyday, do sun gazing, go walking. Visit your friends and talk about pleasant things.
Get rid of all stress out of your life.
Get Rid of all toxic relationships, yes even if you are alone. I had to do that and spend many days alone. Because one person can ruin your life. Learn to depend on yourself and don't trust anyone but God. I guess that sounds harsh but you are in a war with the illness you have and if someone is your friend they will still be your friend thru thick and thin. I had a friend once named Candia Context and I screamed at him and he told me I am not going to yell at you no matter what you say. He understood I was sick. He understood that sometimes I feel anger and sometimes I feel sad but in a few days I am ok so what I am trying to say is find friends who understand your moods, who say that is ok Sara I understand. I hope this helps someone and can take benefit from my advice.
I hope that you don't have to go thru the pain I did and that we all benefit from this. Where am I today, good, great, fantastic!! I have my life back. Yes have some bad days but mostly good days. I spend my days helping others, and doing good deeds for others as I realize it could all be gone one day.
My final suggestion to you guys is don't kiss up to anyone, be yourself. Don't beg anyone to be your friend, find yourself. Don't give up faith because God is your only answer. By God, if you want to eat Ice Cream, go have one (occasionally) hahah.
Sara, a recovered survivor.
Am I oppressed, NO by Allah, I am blessed.