I had my Mirena IUD removed in early July of this year. It was actually my 2nd IUD and I was going to have it removed because we wanted to try for our 3rd baby. However, I had been noticing some things with my body that seemed odd (and apparently not uncommon either from what I've read on here.) Things like ezcema, slight weight gain and unable to lose it, constant tiredness, no sex drive, etc. I had the IUD removed and I knew from then that I would never get one again.
My cycle seemed to resume quickly, with a slightly heavy AF a few days after the removal and ovulation a little later. My next cycle started in early August and I got pregnant that cycle. We were thrilled. However from the beginning, I was nervous and found it hard to connect with the pregnancy. I had no reason to worry, I've never had any issues before, I've had 2 healthy pregnancies before that resulted in 2 beautiful healthy children. But there was just this feeling that I couldn't shake. I cried a lot and was just so scared. I vividly remember standing in my kitchen feeling really upset one day when I was 4 weeks along and saying to myself "I just have a bad feeling about this."
Last week, I started spotting and after taking another pregnancy test and finding out that it wasn't getting darker, I got really nervous. I called my doctor and went in for bloodwork. It came back at only 50 (hcg) - extremely low for 5 weeks. The next day I lost my pregnancy symptoms and the following morning I started bleeding. Another bloodtest that day showed my level to have dropped to 12. I miscarried at 5 weeks 1 day.
I am so sad and devastated. The worst thing is that I can't shake this feeling that the Mirena had something to do with my loss. I asked the nurse about it and she said no, it didn't, but somehow I don't believe that they would be honest about something like that.
I had a Mirena before too. I had it removed 6 months before I got pregnant with my daughter. We didn't try right away after it was removed - we waited a month, tried (nothing), then waited (hubby out of town), tried (nothing), then waited (me out of town), tried and I got pregnant.
But that was SIX months after the Mirena was removed. I wonder if I had gotten pregnant sooner if I would have had a miscarriage then too.
Has anyone else experienced a loss possibly related to the Mirena?
I am so upset.
ETA: Even with the Mirena in, I still had very regular cycles - AF every 28-30 days. It was light, but definitely some bleeding, it never completely disappeared like it does for some women. I had the Mirena in for exactly 1 year.
I had a really heavy period the beginning of August, so I thought my cycle & lining were going back to normally pretty quickly. :( I've since read that some doctors recommend waiting 60-90 days to give the lining time to get back to normal. My doctor never said anything about waiting. She just said "Good luck! Hope to see you in here fast!" :(