JAMA. 2007;298(18):2155-2163.
Context National vaccine recommendations in the United States target an increasing number of vaccine-preventable diseases for reduction, elimination, or eradication.
Objective To compare morbidity and mortality before and after widespread implementation of national vaccine recommendations for 13 vaccine-preventable diseases for which recommendations were in place prior to 2005.
Design, Setting, and Participants For the United States, prevaccine baselines were assessed based on representative historical data from primary sources and were compared to the most recent morbidity (2006) and mortality (2004) data for diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, measles, mumps, rubella (including congenital rubella syndrome), invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), acute hepatitis B, hepatitis A, varicella, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and smallpox.
Main Outcome Measures Number of cases, deaths, and hospitalizations for 13 vaccine-preventable diseases. Estimates of the percent reductions from baseline to recent were made without adjustment for factors that could affect vaccine-preventable disease morbidity, mortality, or reporting.
Results A greater than 92% decline in cases and a 99% or greater decline in deaths due to diseases prevented by vaccines recommended before 1980 were shown for diphtheria, mumps, pertussis, and tetanus. Endemic transmission of poliovirus and measles and rubella viruses has been eliminated in the United States; smallpox has been eradicated worldwide. Declines were 80% or greater for cases and deaths of most vaccine-preventable diseases targeted since 1980 including hepatitis A, acute hepatitis B, Hib, and varicella. Declines in cases and deaths of invasive S pneumoniae were 34% and 25%, respectively.
Conclusions The number of cases of most vaccine-preventable diseases is at an all-time low; hospitalizations and deaths have also shown striking decreases.
Author Affiliations: National Center for Immunization and
Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD); Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Yes, bewnyfur should have just posted "another CDC study" and that would have been sufficient - after all they are infamous for being in the pockets of the big pharma vaccine boys and having misleading studies.
All one has to do is Google "CDC misleading studies" to find how trustworthy they are.
Jun 20, 2008 ... "CDC concurs," Gerberding wrote, again noting that its study design .... removed" mantra in an attempt to once again distract and mislead. ...
www.huffingtonpost.com/david-kirby/ |
CDC admits Vaccine Study Design Uninformative And Potentially Misleading ... Lets be clear: Studies have only identified genetic mutations common among 10% ...
www.autismspeaks.org/community/ |
CDC: Vaccine Study Design "Uninformative and Potentially Misleading". Options ... methods used in the CDC's landmark 2003 study that found no link ...
groups.google.pn/group/misc.kids.health/ |
Jun 20, 2008 ... Listed below are links to weblogs that reference DAVID KIRBY: CDC SAYS VACCINE STUDY DESIGN UNINFORMATIVE AND POTENTIALLY MISLEADING: ...
www.ageofautism.com/2008/06/david-kirby-cdc.html - 54k - |
Sep 9, 2005 ... After An Abortion, New Study. CDC Admits Its Abortion and ... to apologize for and repudiate a blatantly misleading study it=s team authored ...
www.afterabortion.org/news/CDCdeathswrong.htm - 17k - |
CDC: Vaccine Study Design "Uninformative and Potentially Misleading". by David Kirby. Posted June 20, 2008 | 06:43 PM (EST) ...
www.whale.to/vaccine/cdc_kirby.html - 12k - |
The question that we have been screaming at the CDC for years, ... the august audience was given misleading studies and half truths were sited for ...
www.patsullivan.com/blog/2007/09/autism-update-j.html - 46k - |
Characterizing the CDC study on DPT and MMR vaccine-induced brain seizures ... Information Center points out that the study conclusions are misleading ...
www.vaclib.org/email/seizures.htm - 13k - |
Sep 27, 2007 ... The National Autism Association (NAA) says that a CDC study of only 1047 ... They question how such a poor quality study and misleading ...
www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/83771.php - 57k - |
They question how such a poor quality study and misleading conclusion can be published in ... "The CDC sets vaccine policy and has ties to vaccine makers, ...
www.bio-medicine.org/.../ |
They must not cover logic and reason at the AltMed School of Paranoia.
You lil newbie woobs who come to this forum just can't help yourselves from including put-downs in your posts can you? Careful now - don't want to give yourself away or get a time-out.
If YOU happen to look at the entire study by the industry biased CDC, who has been guilty of misleading studies in the past as well as hiding damaging evidence, you will see that they took a pre-vaccination sample period and then took the figures in the most recent years and gave vaccinations all of the credit for the entire reduction in death rates without mentioning the declining trends in the diseases up to the point of the introduction of vaccines.
The CDC study is now being cited by the vaccination industry as proof of both the effectiveness and the SAFETY of vaccinations when it actually has no proof whatsoever of the safety of vaccinations. So, while the figures they cite may not in themselves be inaccurate, they were nevertheless "cooked up" to present a favorable impression of vaccines without taking a look at the trade-off in chronic illness and damage caused by the vaccines.
I've never had a time out - how about you?
Google "CDC Cover Ups", "CDC Misleading Studies", and "CDC Conflicts of Interest" and see what you come up with. Whle you are at it, Google "Vaccine Dangers", "Vaccines Chronic Illness" and "Vaccine Ingredients". Then Google each ingredient and see what dangers and side effects it has.
Feel free to report back to us with your findings.
If you look at the full study you will find that it almost completely fails to account for the sharply declining rates in most of the diseases due to improved sanitation and nutrition. In some instances, a disease had already fallen by 95% prior to the introduction of vaccinations. Instead of noting this, the study merely averaged the number of reported cases and deaths for a handful of years prior to the introduction of vaccinations and then reported the comparison figures of the period of 2004-2006 instead of showing the continuation of the steady decline already in progress for the intervening years between the introduction of vaccinations and the reporting period. As previously demonstrated here many times, vaccinations have taken far too much credit for declines that were already happening and well documented.
One notes that the study itself was designed and funded by the Center for Disease Control, a notorious pro-vaccination organization with a vested interest in contintuing and increasing vaccinations - and one that has been caught doctoring and hiding vaccination information that reflected badly on the vaccinations of the medical industry they serve.
The question today is what is the cost versus the benefits, if any, of vaccinations. We know that vaccinations suppress the immune system and prevent the safer and more effective natural immunity to diseases. What we do not yet fully know is what the effect is of injecting substances such as mercury, aluminum, formaldhyde, msg, aspartame, viruses, monkey brain cells, and a host of other toxins - including excitotoxins and neurotoxins - into the children whose entire bodies, but especially whose brains and central nervous systems are still developing and most vulnerable.
No one has ever tested what the effects can be from all those toxins from all the vaccines, but anyone whose eyes are not blinded to reason has to know that it cannot be good. Perhaps indications can be found in the greater incidence of diseases that now slip past our immune systems. Other indications might be found in the declining academic scores or American children compared to countries who are far less vaccinated. Or the number of autism and autism like disorders reported. And let us not overlook the increase number of behavior disorders that is skyrocketing to the point where soon more than half of all children will be prescribed behavior modification drugs.
While we unprofessionals are debating this, perhaps we should take a look at what those in the medical profession who have have stepped out from the constraints, vested interests and propaganda of the mainstream establishment to tell us what they believe is the truth about vaccinations. Here is but a sampling of what such professional have said:
"The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective" - Dr. Len Horowitz
Vaccination is a medical procedure that causes permanent and irreversible modification of the immune system - Dr. G. Buchwald
"After a careful consideration of the history of vaccination gleaned from an impartial and comprehensive study of vital statistics, and pertinent data from every reliable source, and after an experience derived from having vaccinated 31,000 subjects, I am firmly convinced that vaccination cannot be shown to have any logical relation to the diminution of cases of smallpox. Vaccination does not protect, it actually renders its subjects more susceptible by depressing the vital power and diminishing the natural resistance, and millions of people have died of smallpox which they contracted after being vaccinated" - J.W. Hodge MD
"They say openly in the [medical] legal system that if you advise against vaccination the A.M.A. will push to deregister." Medical Doctor: Dr Robyn Cosford
"These are symptoms that if they were seen in a child who had not just been vaccinated, all us doctors would be a little concerned that this child perhaps had a type of viral meningitis. We wouldn't just sit back and say 'That's fine. Take some Panadol and it will go away,' " - Dr Robyn Cosford
"The medical system Is a colossal deception that has filled the world with incurable invalids, of which mines have been emptied of cankering minerals, the intestines of animals taxed for their filth, the poison bags of reptiles drained of their venom, the blood of cats and dogs extracted, and all these with other abominations have been thrust down the throat of gullible human beings." - Dr. J. M. Good, M.D., F.R.S.
"We have no real proof of the boasted effectiveness of any form of anti-toxin or vaccine or serum... If such a vaccinated or immunised person contracts the disease which he is supposed to be protected, it is pretty good evidence that such "protection" is valueless, isn't it? Surely people do contract disease against which they are supposed to be immunised, as we all know.... Well, are you satisfied that WE ARE QUACKS? In the eyes of those who are willing to forgot the present prestige of medicine, such as it is, with all its dignity, its scientific jargon, its pratings of altruism, its great endowment, its well heralded "achievements," we are most assuredly quacks, professing to do things we cannot do, and yes, taking money under this pretence." Dr. Paul M. Koonin, D.D.Sc.
"I have thought many times of all of the insane things we have advocated in medicine, that is one of the most insane - to insist on the vaccination of children, or anybody else, for the prevention of smallpox when, as a matter of fact, we are never able to prove that vaccination saved one man from smallpox." Dr. William Hay in his address to the Medical Freedom Society
"Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance; it should have no place in either hygiene or medicine.... Believe not in vaccination, it is a world wide delusion, an unscientific practice, a fatal superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without end." Charles Rauta, Professor of Hygiene and Material Medical in the University of Perguia
"Immunization against smallpox is more hazardous than the disease itself." Professor Ari Zuckerman, a member of the World Health Organization advisory panel on viruses.
"It is now accepted that the risks of routine smallpox vaccination outweigh those of natural infection in Britain." The British medical Journal in January 1976
"I have been saying for some years that the use of live vaccines such as that used from smallpox can activate a dormant infection such as that from AIDS (HIV)." Doctor Robert Gallo, well known AIDS researcher
"This concept that vaccinated children are some kind of typhoid Mary is just rubbish. We now have a sicker group of children in the community. . . .It may be that you only get one chance to make one big mistake... because of the number of people vaccinated if you introduce a pathogen . . . in a route that the body does not have a protection against. . . There are some doctors who disparagingly say 'There are some parents who think that just having a healthy child is good enough'. Well the truth is it IS good enough!" - Dr Mark Donohoe
"Babies are injected with bits of animal, bacteria, viral DNA. They can be incorporated into the human genome. . . Why is it that only since the 40's have autism and brain damage come about? Because this was when immunisation was introduced to a large extent . . Vaccines are a billion dollar industry, and there are at least a billion good reasons there why it's continued." - Dr Peter Baratosy
"Measles had been dying out in Europe, then they started vaccination and it rose again, and the thing that had cured measles was better nutrition programs..." Independant Nurse Practitioner Pauline Rose"To think the needle is going to protect you is as silly as thinking that drugs will make you healthy." - Andrew Saul, PhD
"The only safe vaccine is one that is never used." - Dr. James R. Shannon, former director of the National Institute of Health
"We have no real proof of the boasted effectiveness of any form of anti-toxin or vaccine or serum... If such a vaccinated or immunised person contracts the disease which he is supposed to be protected, it is pretty good evidence that such "protection" is valueless, isn't it? Surely people do contract disease against which they are supposed to be immunised, as we all know.... Well, are you satisfied that WE ARE QUACKS? In the eyes of those who are willing to forgot the present prestige of medicine, such as it is, with all its dignity, its scientific jargon, its pratings of altruism, its great endowment, its well heralded "achievements," we are most assuredly quacks, professing to do things we cannot do, and yes, taking money under this pretence." Dr. Paul M. Koonin, D.D.Sc.
A growing number of parents have taken a look at the dark side of vaccinations and the unknown risks to the future health and develpment of their children, and at the profit oriented system of managed illness and a lifetime of increasing prescriiption drugs that makes up mainstream western medicine, and have decided that the best way to protect their children is through proper natural hgygeine and a good healthy diet and lifestyle that builds a strong immune system.
I agree with them.
Yes Tony there are dangers and much of it is found to be allergies, immune systems that cannot cope 100% with immunisation properties but I believe that to be able to address this problem lies in the proper understand of our personal DNA which will eventually give each individual access to prevention of disease.
In respect of declining rates in prevention has many answers, one of them being that people do not know that there are preventative measures that can be taken. Take in the UK for instance people fly off into exotic places WITHOUT protection or even the knowledge of it, so one cannot account for their ignorance or their attitude towards their health.
Tomi -
If only mainstream medicine would stop suppressing natural health and healing herbs and other plants I would say that understanding our individual DNA might be put to wonderful use by pointing us toward appropriate natural health options for preventing and treating illness and disease.
On the other hand, if understanding our DNA points towards unnatural lab-created synthetics and isolates or which toxins to stick into our babies - and that is the track record because only those are patentable and profitable - then I fear it may do more harm than good. Man just does not have a very good track record when he tries to play God and mainstream medicine has never gotten a grasp of the simple axiom that if something is not found in nature it is not likely to be good to put into our bodies.
Now why do I feel like holding hands and singing kumbayah? Hell, I even voted for you.
DQ (or Tony if you prefer)
It's too dang early in the morning to formulate much of a response other than to say that if someone who is banned for miscreant behavior, including multiple IDs and personal attacks, wants to come back to CZ, the way to do it is not to come back unapologetic and proceed to engage in the same behavior that got them banned in the first place. One need only look at the continued block voting to see that the presence is still very much with us.
Beyond that, it really serves this forum no good to continue to rehash an issue the Webmaster decided long ago and recently posted to reinforce what constitutes acceptable behavior.
As noted before, my own mother died of polio in 1953. The vaccine might have saved her, but as it was her weakened immune system from bearing a child while still rather young left her susceptible. Even so, I still oppose the business and propaganda of ever increasing vaccinations today. We have gone far overboard and the overload of injecting so many toxins into our children is coming home to roost as the vaccine makers continue to be further enriched each year.