25 mg 3X's a day sublingual.
I knew my kidneys weren't coping, I've been tracking down herbs for a kidney cleanse, which is still a good idea. I've been liver flushing, would do more, but I got the respiratory stuff from the chemdump. Then I started high doses of
SSKI , almost a gram for three weeks, and started to feel human again.
I'm back on most of Guen Scotts recommendations for chemtrail exposure, except I havn't taked
Colloidal Silver , I'm on about 70 mg's of
Iodine (8 drops lugols) 2000 mgs, vit C 400 mg selenium, garlic oil capsules, (also anti parasitic) tumeric/bromelain-(natural factors) whatever works that day, and olive leaf extract, I seem to live on that stuff, I think it keeps the critters at least to a dull roar while I figure out the rest of this.
Also zapper (with tapping) I shoot for every day, but skip sometimes, lack of time.
I'm not doing coffee enemas, I have to track down a coffee grinder, I finally got organically grown coffee beans, and naturally, no grinder.
Diet, good during the week, distilled H2O, and I juice. (Celery juice seems to kill off a lot of trouble)
Any suggestions would be welcome. I bought stuff for my shop this AM, I think we hit the low for AU yesterday, and it will just zip right back up there. Same with silver, bought sheet stock for the shop, no doubt I'll be sorry I didn't buy more.