Howdy - me again!
I was just reviewing your latest posts before I replied and saw that I missed one ('sorry about that).
Perhaps I haven't been "basic" or blunt enough in my past posts (or perhaps my meaning has been misconstrued somehow - computer monitors are NOT the best form of communication!).
Please read this post/thread:
In a nutshell, Schulze himself virtually NEVER used his 5-day flush as anything but a "prep" for the bigger flush he had virtually EVERY patient do (as soon as they could). There were some who were in such distress, that they could not ingest the quantity of oil it takes to get their livers unclogged & flowing (used in the bigger, more effective flushes), so he devised-used the 5-day flush to get them to the point they COULD do the bigger, more effective flush (similar, of course, to what virtually every successful healer has used for decades).
OR he did the 5th day protocol (5 tablespoons of olive, 5 cloves of garlic plus ginger/citrus) several DAYS IN A ROW.
Sadly for us, Schulze hasn't been in a clinical setting for around 25 years and he now focuses on 'marketing product'. Yes indeed, his product line is one of THE best on the market, BUT he's now marketing the 'liver product' and leaving out the information that goes WITH the product. And since there's no money to be made selling olive oil and lemon juice, it seems to me the consumer ends up getting the raw end of the stick (IF they haven't delved deeply enough into Schulzes actual clinical experience to know how he utilized the 5 day flush).
My personal experience with the 5 day flush protocol shows that it would take at least FOUR 5 day-flushes to accomplish what can be accomplished in one "big flush" (flush-wise) Four bottles of tincture & 4 liver teas? The cost'd be around $200 bucks retail (plus the olive oil, ginger & garlic). Of course, the basic 'big flush' does NOT provide the liver & digestive/anti
parasite benefits of the tincture and tea, but as far as removing structural debris from the gallbladder and biliary network, it'll take several 5 day flushes to accomplish what one can accomplish in one (or two) "big flushes".
Back to your situation: here's a picture of all the places you can "feel" liver congestion and pain -
Also to note: this similar situation has happened to some folks while taking the 'chinese liver herbs' (that break up stones & congestion), but don't provide anything for 'flushing out' the loosened stones & congestion.
Without being with you, pressing, poking, prodding and listening to your liver/gallbladder with a stethoscope (which you can easily do yourself, to identify a tender spot - that may be a clog - or 'hear' a spot where there's absolutely 'no flow'), it's sounds to me like you're a "typical victim" of the "get things loosened up but haven't flushed it out" situation...which is common with the 5-day flush protocol. It WORKS - it gets all kinds of things stirred up, loosened and some of them released (and kills some liver flukes, or at least gets them 'riled up')...but like I said in the post I link to above, I've helped more people "recover" from this flush than any other flush protocol I've encountered. It sounds to me like you've loosened up liver/gallbladder debris, but you haven't 'flushed hard enough' to get it out. Have you seen any evidence of stones or liver debris in the toilet after your flush drinks? If none, or very little, then I think the following advice should give you some food for though and assistance.
What to do? My first suggestion is this: take one - two tablespoons of
Epsom Salts in 4-6
ounces of water and follow that by one-two tablespoons of olive oil about 15-30 minutes later...and see what happens. It's very possibly your discomfort will subside substantially in less than an hour (as ES relax the biliary network AND cause the gallbladder to contract slightly - the olive oil will trigger the liver to create more bile to create a 'mini flush' situation). It's even possible that you'd feel substantial relief in just a few minutes. I coached folks in very similar situations to yours, and a couple actually released handfuls of 'stones' by just taking the
Epsom Salts & olive oil.
Also, a few minutes after you take the ES, you should immediately (and deeply) massage the mid-bottom of your feet. This is "reflexology" and here's the foot chart:
(there's a link on the foot chart to the hand chart, and you could work the gallbladder/liver area of the hands as well).
Folks have been known to immediately relieve gallbladder attacks (and pass stones!) when working the bottom of the feet HARD (like with your knuckles digging in deeply).
That combination should, at least, give you some obvious temporary relief. And if it does, then we know we're on the right track (in thinking you've loosened up debris that hasn't had enough 'flush power' to be flushed out). If that doesn't give you ANY relief? Then I'd do it again in about 4 hours (remembering:
Epsom Salts causes "butt pee" because along with relaxing 'everything' including the biliary network, it also floods the intestinal tract with be sure you're near a toilet when taking ES).
If you get ZERO relief, then you'll need to look at other potential causes. But if you get ANY relief, that'd indicate you've got some kind of blockage or another, and the most likely way to resolve that is to do (at the minimum) a few larger flushes, or daily
coffee enemas for several weeks. There's also the possibility that
parasites (dead or alive) are contributing to a blockage, so that'd also have to be dealt with for the 'unclogging' to be successful.
So, if I were you, I'd find myself a 2-3 hour window and try the ES with the olive oil (and lemon juice!, I forgot that) and see what happens. The worst thing that could happen? You'd get butt-pee, feel a bit dehydrated and get no relief...but it might unclog you enough to get the flow you need (and OUT of pain/discomfort)...and that sounds to me like a good option at this point.
Healthiest of blessings,
P.S. Typical disclaimer here: listen to your OWN "doctor within" before doing anything ANYBODY advises and if you feel a 'check' somewhere, do the research and gain the knowledge you need to know if the 'check' is simply lack of knowledge, or if the advice just doesn't resonate correctly for you right now :)