OMG!!! For the past year and a half I have thought I was either crazy or dying of some unknown disease. I have had mirena for 1.5 years - it was placed about 2 months after the birth of my first (and only) child. I'm only 25 years old and have been purplexed by all the strange symptoms I've been having: severe hot flashes, gradually worsening joint pain (like arthritis), severe headaches, excessive weight gain (30lbs), chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, severe mood swings, irritability/anger, ZERO sex drive, pains shooting through my uterus, sore breasts, hair loss, and even a sensation in my stomach like a baby kicking. I have had blood tests ran for hormone imbalances which came back normal. I have taken pregnancy tests to rule that out. I am at my wits end - this has had a horrible effect on my self esteem, my relationship with my husband, my ability to function as a mother, my performance at work, etc. I actually got online tonight to search for possible side effects of mirena, as this was the last thing I could think of that might be causing my problems. Little did I know that so many other women are having this exact same problem! This is so disturbing that our healthcare system is not protecting us by warning us of this evil little device, probably because they would lose money. It's just sickening that this is being allowed to continue. Anyway, I am calling my OBGYN first thing in the morning and demanding this piece of **** be removed immediately. I don't care how much money they charge me, it would be worth it to feel normal again. Just wondering - I read several other posts but didn't see anyone else mention hot flashes. Has anyone else had a problem with hot flashes?
p.s. thanks to you all who posted and shared your stories - you have helped me tremendously. Now I know I'm not crazy and I'm not alone :)