I fully agree that exercise and stretching is very important for the body. As is rest, as is a moment in every day with no stress, no distractions.
Diet isn't as simple as "normal" foods without explaining what normal is. Not to mention there is a tremendous amount of misleading information in the U.S. as to what's good for us and what isn't. Low fat? not good for us. Low carbs? Not good for us. Read a dozen labels and you'll find all kinds of misleading information. (Yes I saw NON FAT on a container of sugar, it's not fat, however once it enters the body, the process of digestion STORES it in fat and makes us fatter.) One must use caution, as many types of food would seem, normal. Unfortunately, it has to be spelled out. Even fats are dangerous if the wrong kinds are eaten. And NOTHING, but NOTHING is good for us in large amounts or sole amounts. You can eat healthy all you want, but if you're only eating bananas for a month, you're not going to be healthy.
As many people who scoff at organics, I suggest organic fruits and vegetables, with LOTS of different colors introduced all through the week, salads should be at the END of a meal (digestive purposes) and with olive oil and vinegar as dressing. Honey should be the main source of sweetening in foods, and eat meats that are grass fed if possible. They have much higher levels of needed vitamins and minerals in them. The scoffers cannot deny the fast downhill slide in health this nation has taken.
Alternatives to liver cleanse. Yes: look into, and research liver aiding foods. Lemon juice is one. Olive oil is another. Vitamin C from food sources (or orange juice) is another, Dandelion leaves are excellent for the liver and everyone in Europe eats them in their salads. Don't know WHY this nation is hell bent on believing they're a weed. Many MANY foods are very healthful for the liver. I drink a lemonade daily with real lemon juice (about 3/4 cup) and 2 tbsp honey, and fill the rest of the glass with water. Lemons were also proven to inhibit weight gain in medical studies. Even more reason for drinking it, huh?