When I first found out I had candida I went on the traditional diet, no sugar, no white rice, no potato, no wheat. I stayed about 3 months on a strick diet. I was adding lemons and limes. After about 6 wks added grapefruit. First 1/2 and then a little more. But after three months I kept reading where no one was getting well. I mean they were posting how they were sick for ten years and spending thousands of dollars. Well I just did not have thousands of dollars as in Jordan we are poor and definitely I was not going to spend the next ten years of my life not having ice cream! lol!!
So I started researching and someone I knew named Candidancontext started showing my some alternatives and it was fruit. Mind you he wasn't right everytime but he opened my eyes. So I tried it and I got worse and I thought why am I listening to every tom dick and harry so went off the fruit as my tongue got worse. Ok read so much about being a fruitarian and the site of barefoot. I was told that if I stayed on the diet I would get better. Ok so now I am very stubborn so I stuck it out and I got well. I can eat banaana, melons and any fruit I want. But here is what I did. I started slow and balanced it with leavy veggies. A lot of veg juices. So yes you can eat fruit but not together with anything else. one hour between veggies and never with meat. So you can have a fruit shake in the morning and for mid morning make a juice such as 2 oranges and pears juice. or oranges and apples. you see a slow
Sugar with a higher glycimex fruit. It takes lots of teaching and much study. Look at Dennis Hardy site he is great to teach
juicing but he teaches very much supplementation and I don't believe in it. If I had a low grade candida, never take supplements, take food. If I had a very bad case of candida I would experiment, I would not take what is on the box, I would take one a day and then the next no. Then build up slow. by the end of the week try one a day and then do that for two weeks and go up slowly.
I do not eat package foods, i do not eat can foods, i eat a lot of flax seeds. You do not need any meats to get your b12, you need flax. 3 tablespoon a day will give you all the b12 you need. I take ground flax and put it with goat yogurt that has been drained of the whey. Love it , love it. plus I am big on cayenne. It is a must add a dash to your flax mixture or put 1/2 t. in a 1/2 glass of water and drink it down immediately, why because it is so hot you cannot sip. It is awful and terrible but oh so good for you.
Now I want you to look at food herbs, grape seed, fennel, ginger, tumeric, olive leaf, oil of oregano and pumpkin oil. Look up on the internet and see the benefits.
I do not take any pharmaceuticals, that includes mms, iodine, etc. Why because they are the ruination of society. My friend just died from meds. You have to find naturl remedies. I just found a natural rememdy for
parasite cleaning so am happy.
Ok now this is a long process and you cannot expect to be well in one month. Now there are some pretty heated debates on this forum about fruit so this is my opinion and do not want to debate you. You either like it or you don;t . I personally say look and experiment and pray. If you are looking for an answer look to your heart. If it feels good in your heart it is right, if you have doubts think hard.