If you start doing some cleansing, I'm sure you'll feel much better! You need to read over the information that's here and decide which type of cleansing will work best for you. Whether it's fasting, doing the Master Cleanse, the Dr. Schultz program or the Dr. Clark program or a combo of these. I can tell you that in my own family, my kids and I used to have dark circles and many other problems which are now gone, (the circles are long gone!). I changed our diet, did fasting, did the Dr. Clark program and am now only dealing myself with my Sinus problems and Immune System. I know what you mean about leg pain and weakness. What's helped me is taking Magnesium, the
kidney cleanse and
parasite Cleanse. Also I've read that old water pipes with Cadmium connections can cause leg pain. You may want to have your water tested. If this all came on Just recently though, you may have picked up a bug (parasite, bacteria or viral) and maybe taking Echinacea or
Colloidal Silver would help right away.
Just some thoughts, Hope you feel better soon!
Oh, also as far as I understand, the herb Milk Thistle is very good for the Liver, but does not substitute for the Liver Cleanse. The Cleanse removes stones that are stuck in the Liver Ducts which are keeping the Liver from doing it's job of filtering out the toxins in your system. I highly recommend it!